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<br />Memorandum, Ingerson Road Group <br />Page Two <br />February 9, 2000 <br /> <br />MakeuQ <br />"",,'0"," Wi"m', "opy of, H" of", ., 'ppliCOtiom ., Cj,y "" """"" throogb <br />F,b_ '0, 2000. Alibi, PO'" w, "',' _'ol ;""'''io" from W_ (13) <br />re",~" "", .ey wow, Hk, '" '" , port of W, "'""P. ]f yo, 'ook ,','" ,t ., "'"'~. <br />wlw h,w "'P"'~' , '''ire '" -""'"', ,igb' (8) of.em Hw """Oy on )'g""", <br />Roo!. O'''P,li""" Hy" on U""''"'' A wm" North, ""hl,"o", ili, Prop~o! <br />proj", ""'" OW. Rog" Alire,), ~, 0'", ., E'''otiw Dl"''''''f ili, Llltl, B"Ow", <br />hi",,,, ofth, EJ'",y, who', 00' , '''id"" ,f tho ""wlore. W, hov, 0", (1) "'"''''' <br />fr= North Hemlin, A YO,", <hot WOOld '" im_ by ili, "OP~ol proj"" "'" ~ (1) <br />resident on Carlton Drive. <br /> <br />) w'w' pmpo~ ""t 00 m= ili~ 1iw (5) ""ld",,, of tho ,",,,,,,,, "", be "POi,,",,, <br />With"" more .~ two (2) fmm log,~on Roo! be "Ppoimo! '" tho 8'00'. Th, two (2) <br />'''id"," "old '" lrom bo. """ of., ,rej"" "'" ''Old '''P''''''' th, otho, ",,_ <br />th" "''' ;""em", , '''ire '" P""", ",,, m w, 8'00', I wow, ""''''0."" ""I two (2) <br />",",be "PO"'"" 10 ., ","op. They ~old '" M" Greg Bre~, th, City Bogm"", ~, <br />M" _yo, S""'om, ., J>,bH, Woek'Dl"",,,,,, A, w,O, I woold """""""" ." two <br />(2) Cily C'""'lIm'm",,, b, "Po;""", '" th, "'""P. Th, _, foe two C'ty <br />CO"""'m'mbe~" '" ~ru,w ""~" m '-'''',,",00 from tlre Cily CO""",, '"'" ''"id <br />th, 'PP<"",,, ili" 0", "poi,,,,,, CO,,"'il rep"''''''"''' ,"01' be _""'ol by th, <br />residents to help SUpport their proposal. <br /> <br />I Wow, ~gg". th" th, Clty CO""'ihn'm"',, ~, '''If ''"pI, lnvol,,,, no, p,",o_ <br />m ~y ''''''0", """"' ", "'"mm,_o", brooght f",,-,. Th, CO,,"'lI '"'" "'"' <br />-, '" ov,i' ., "Po""''' "'" tlre ,hY'i'" ""ity of ~PPOrth,g "'0., ""''''''tiw, <br />Over others. <br /> <br />Schedule <br />I "'yo ""~ th, oPPO,,"oity '" 'ovcl" wh" I b'Hov", be , -MbJ, "b""w, ~, <br />timefimn, f" "'" gro,p '0 "run, ""'mm"",,"o", In ., Cily CO"",,,. Tru, WOw, <br />"I,w CO""",, '" '""'''eo , pmj,,, ,rop"", "'" ",,, ,,,", ~, 'P'''lfi '""0",, With <br />bidding to be done before November 1, 2000. <br /> <br />I WOw, '''' """"01, fo/Jowlog <h, mdJ_ tim'frem, wlth, ""', '''i,'on by <h, <br />City Council at their first meeting in May, 2000: <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br />