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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"'e <br />... <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />JOINT WORKSESSION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION <br />MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000, 4:45 P.M. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst called the meeting to order at 4:47 p.m. Those present included <br />Councilmembers Beverly Aplikowski, David Grant, Gregg Larson and Lois Rem. Staff <br />present included City Administrator, Joe Lynch; City Treasurer, Terry Post; Public <br />Works Director, Dwayne Stafford, Parks and Recreation Director, Tom Moore; Building <br />Inspector, David Scherbel; Associate Planner, Nancy Randall; Recreation Program <br />Supervisor ,Michelle Olson; and Recording Secretary, Sheila Stowell. <br /> <br />Plarrning Commission members present were: Steve Erickson, Stephen 1. Baker, Brent <br />Nelson, David Sand, Terri Duchenes, and Therese Galatowitsch. <br /> <br />a. City Hall <br /> <br />1. Architectural Alliance, Presentation of Revised Intcrior Design <br /> <br />Ms. Jearrne Sterner, Architectural Alliance, was introduced by City Administrator <br />Lynch, at which time she presented an overview of the original City Hall design, and the <br />revised design, with all current offices on the main level, and increased lower level space <br />build-out at an estimated cost increase of $60,000. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst opened the floor for discussion. <br /> <br />Discussion items of the revised plan included size and location of conference rooms and <br />possible build-out of conference room on the second floor; necessity of additional <br />stairway from lower level to main floor; excavation for full basement expansion during <br />initial construction; review of proposed re-bid schedule and need for authorization for <br />plan revisions; anticipated fee title being obtained in May; additional basement storage <br />space and security for Parks and Recreation Department supplies; and a required separate <br />entrance for required National Guard office personnel. <br /> <br />Staff was directed to proceed with an updated package, as revised, and an updated bid <br />and construction schedule, for formal Council consideration at their March 13, 2000 <br />regular Council meeting. The previous Alternate I (brick or stone exterior materials) was <br />to be included on the re-bid. Staff was further directed to correspond with the <br />Department of Army regarding the City's proposed construction schedule and seek their <br />confirmation of the proposed land transfer date. <br /> <br />Staff was also directed to contact the City of Shoreview for possible cost sharing for the <br />proposed 12-inch emergency cross-connection between the Cities as part ofthe City Hall <br />construction. <br />