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<br />J <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Memorandum, Telecommunications Master Plan <br />Page Three <br />May 3, 2000 <br /> <br />Secondary Issue <br />Another issue to consider is one that was brought up by Councilmember Larson; "Does the City <br />want to actively market the water tower sites as being available for these telecommunications <br />providers?" In addition, should the City be taking a broader look at not only the <br />telecommunications industry, but also the wireless Internet and future technologies? Ifwe do not <br />have a Master Plan, we might inadvertently miss an opportunity to provide space for a service <br />provider that can bring a new technology to the City of Arden Hills, its businesses and residents. <br /> <br />Included in these other opportunities could be the impact of new technology on public safety <br />(i.e., Ramsey County Sheriff; Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department). We would certainly <br />want to include the consideration of these services in looking at a total picture for providers to <br />include and allow on the sites. <br /> <br />Imnact on Budl!et <br />At this time, there is currently no money budgeted in the 2000 Budget to allow for a consultant to <br />assist the City in looking at the Master Plan for the two (2) water tower sites for <br />telecommunications antennae and related ground structures. We do receive monthly rents in the <br />amount of$1,542.78 from Nextel and AT&T Wireless, and we expectto receive and additional <br />$2,000.00 per month from Sprint PCS and Aerial Communications. These revenues are <br />currently not designated for any specific project or fund, and go directly into General Fund <br />revenues. The 2000 Budget is $18,000. These revenues could go to offset the costs for any <br />consulting services. <br /> <br />We may also want to consider trying to recover costs for this project by either looking at <br />increasing the application fee for the Planning process, or look at additional fees paid through the <br />lease agreement by the applicants to recover these costs. This might be determined by prorating <br />the costs over the total maximum number of applicants that might be allowed on the site. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br />Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Administrator to seek consulting <br />services to develop a Master Plan for both the north and south water tower sites dealing <br />specifically with the total number of antennae and related ground structures that should be <br />allowed on each site. <br /> <br />Staff is also recommending that the City Council decide if they want to be in the business of <br />advertising and marketing the availability of the water tower sites in the future, after completion <br />of the Master Plan, for recruitment of telecommunications and wireless internet providers. <br />