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<br />'- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />'^ <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. Tagline - the "umbrella statement" <br />.. Bralnstonnlng baeed on key m8&&8geB <br />.. Runell & Herder tested four tagUnes: <br />. "Bulk:llltlil Communities for UleN <br />. "BulktlftSl Better Communltiea ltVough Quality <br />NelghborhoOdS~ <br />. -AGrutPIIlCeIoB." <br />. "SulSdlng Qual'" Communftles" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />..,u.". .....~"y CO_""l1n'.. <br /> <br />Implementation Objectives <br /> <br />. Overview <br />.. Promote.. "educational campaign" not a <br />replacement for city logos, themee <br />.. Promote the motive behind effort, why It'. <br />Important for city Involvement <br />...... Make It e..y for cllles to participate, <br />especially In the 11I1It6 months <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />~. ai. <br />n/llT... <br /> <br />nn.,,,' UJ.\ln U..'"lT.II <br /> <br />Implementation <br /> <br />. Phase Two - Sept. 2000 . June 2001 <br />... ContJnue effort through tall cfty events, <br />reglonllll legislative ....Ion <br />. Phase Throe - June 2001 . May 2002 <br />..,. Review goels, progress <br />... Repeat and build upon successful efforts <br />Evaluate effort - June 2002 <br /> <br />~ <br />~. -~i <br />n/llT..-/ . <br /> <br />..,LD'....UL." "....,,,,,.. <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. Tagline - the "umbrella statement" <br />.. Reconvnendatfon: <br />"Building Quali1y Communities" <br />. lfIoslpapular by far, wtth bolhlnfluencen and <br />- <br />. BesI prompted. connection between qwdlty of <br />life -.dlhe wort! of city gow:mrllt.nt& <br />. w.....uited 10 conveying. V8riety 01 key <br />- <br /> <br />~ <br />~i <br /> <br />" <br />., <br /> <br />u,UII...U.LIU"..,","n <br />. <br /> <br />Implementation <br /> <br />. Phase One - Annual Conference.. Aug 2000 <br />~ Focus of conference <br />~ TagUne Is theme, used throughout <br />~ Postcards promoting effort <br />.... Logo unvelled.t General Session, banner <br />.... Video to motivate, Inspire <br />.... Implementation Idt with resolution, examples, <br />r"'r>. ....._ _. etc. <br />~ -+ LMC Idoak for materials, answer questions <br />:; _mu,ty.. August: working with cities to sign up <br /> <br />. n rrrT,....r , U,UtNO nUtU .OIU.~NU'U <br /> <br />Implementation <br /> <br />. Ideas for cities: <br />.... Citizen focus groups <br />.... Banners for UN on city streets <br />.... New idees for partnerships with buslnBBaea, <br />Influential community groups <br />.... He.. !~ stories or ldess to share <br />.... P..... releases, tlpa on media reIstIons <br />~ .... Order forms tor t...hlrts, placemat&, <br />- a etlckelL.. <br /> <br /> <br />."UtNOOUL'U.OIIIIIINIT,U <br /> <br />3 <br />