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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. In-depth Research <br />.... Interviewed 20 key lnfluencers (by phone) <br />... Conducted Focus Group. (2 eacIIln Maple <br />Grove & Grand Rspld8, tola' of 511NJdents) <br />..". Findings <br />. What they value about their IlOII'IIl1UnItiea,. wMt <br />U1ey Me ueltments of "'quality 0I11Ie" <br />. M8ior flndlng: When prompted, both InIIlIflnCeI1I <br />end cftIzena ...11)' Me , connection between <br />quatity of life and whn city govemmenb do <br /> <br /> <br />...LlII.. ...un <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. In-depth Research <br />... findings from Key lnfluencert. (cont'd) <br />. l.eSIlaIetoB velUll city govemmenlti Ihat plllll1lor <br />the tutu... (rely leu on IItlde gowmmenI) <br />. Legl"aton aid lI'll!ldill recommend that city <br />governments InItiIIte more open communication <br />. MediII v.lue c/tiet. thId: -..preclete ItMtIr obligation <br />lO cover ..I.... 01 . news atory <br />. Organizations believe 1M but way to Improve <br />the eftyJorgenlzatlon reIaIionsIllp Is to work <br />together to tlChlflve 00fIIm0n community goals <br /> <br />~ <br />~ -aj <br />i nnrr... <br /> <br />..'LD'.. n"~ln UIlIl...I".. <br /> <br />Project Review <br />. Key Messages - foundation of the <br />campaign <br />.... Cities Improve the quality of IHe In Minnesota <br />.... CIUeI work for ute neIghborhoods <br />.... elt_ Cl'8lIte economic vitality <br />.... Cltiet; provlde opportuniUes lor IlII citizens <br />.... ClUes wllue children IInd famUies <br />.... Cities encOUl'lge cttiz8n Involvement In <br />community building <br />~ ... Clttes foster pride In community <br />:\"""'" ,.r:: ... Cities work In the Interest of citizens <br />;..L......{. 'iI~"" CIlIeI plan fOltheJr community" future <br />..'U'...YAllnloIlIlOlllTln <br />1nh\'1'... <br /> <br />t.)' <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. In-depth Research <br />...., Findings from Key Influencers <br />. Believe then ill. high ~ of lite In Minnesota <br />..... <br />. s.tety Is most ofWn died .. M Importtlnt aspect of <br />quallly 01 life <br />.. Other IInportn: ..,.m. of qulIIitr 01 DIe: <br />.....- <br />.-- <br />t Struntl__oIcommunlly <br />t HIgh .....ofconwmmlty~ <br /> <br /> <br />..'~D'.. ....u'"' If........'.. <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. In-depth Reaearch <br /> <br />- findings from Focus Groups <br />. Important aspects of quality of lie .we:: <br />. ....... <br />~ FI"'" <br />~ JoboppottunltlM <br />~ GoocI...1ltlctft <br />. W.JI.tMolfttlolclllld;." <br />I __ <br />~ RIlcr'MIIonIIl oppartuntiel <br />.""'-- <br />. Understand connection be'-' thework 01 city <br />govemrnenlllndlhelrqualltyoflffe <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />..,~.,.. ....u'"' ..If...."'.. <br /> <br />Project Review <br /> <br />. Key Messages - foundation of the <br />campaign <br />.... Resonate with what these groups believe and <br />are interested In <br />. QU8ltlvor.....hIgh <br />. Safetyllndtarnnv__hlghprlorttiea <br />.... In 8 few cases. counter what they, believe <br />. "'Cities work In the Interut 01 dtizenS" <br />. "CltiesptMforthelrconnunlt)"a'future"" <br /> <br />..-CA. <br /> <br /> <br />..'~D'.. .....~'n .......,T'.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2 <br />