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<br />All applicaJ1ts, including persons currently employed by f11e City of Arden Hills f11at _ <br />apply for a position where job duties include operating CMV's, will be required to take a ., <br />drug aJ1d alcohol test, purSUaJ1t to f11e federal regulations, if a job offer is made. <br /> <br />3. DEFINITIONS <br />Accident means aJ1 occurrence involving a CMV operating on a public road f11at results <br />Ill: <br /> <br />I. A fatality; or <br /> <br />2. Bodily injury to a person who, as a result ofthe injury, immediately <br />receives medical treatment away from f11e scene of the accident; or <br /> <br />3. One (I) or more motor vehicles incurring disabling damage as a result of <br />the accident, requiring the vehicle to be traJ1sported away from f11e scene <br />of f11e accident by a tow truck or of11er vehicle. <br /> <br />Alcohol meaJ1S the intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol or of11er low <br />molecular weight alcohol, including methyl or isopropyl alcohol. <br /> <br />Alcohol Concentration (or content) meaJ1S f11e alcohol in a volume of breaf11 <br />expressed in terms of grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breaf11 as indicated by aJ1 <br />evidential breath test under f11is policy aJ1d federal regulation. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Alcohol Use meaJ1S the consumption of aJ1Y beverage, mixture, or preparation, <br />including aJ1Y medication, containing alcohol. <br /> <br />Appointing Authority meaJ1S the City Administrator or other City officer to whom the <br />Administrator has delegated auf110rity to appoint personnel. <br /> <br />Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) means aJ1 individual who instructs aJ1d assists <br />individuals in the alcohol testing process aJ1d operates an Evidential Breaf11 Test Device <br />(EBT), <br /> <br />Chain of Custody meaJ1S procedures to account for the integrity of each urine specimen <br />by tracking its haJ1dling and storage from point of specimen collection to final disposition <br />of the specimen. With respect to drug testing, f11ese procedures shall require that aJ1 <br />appropriate Drug Testing Custody Form be used from time of collection to receipt by f11e <br />laboratory aJ1d f11at upon receipt by the laboratory aJ1 appropriate Laboratory Chain of <br />Custody Form(s) account(s) for the sample or sample aliquots (split samples) wif11in f11e <br />laboratory . <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />e <br />