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<br />tit <br /> <br />City or City of Arden Hills meaJ1S f11e City of Arden Hills, Minnesota, acting tlrrough its <br />City Administrator or a designee of the City Administrator. <br /> <br />Commercial Motor V chicle meaJ1S a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles <br />used to traJ1Sporl passengers or property iff11e motor vehicle: <br /> <br />(a) Has a gross combination weight rating of 26,000 or more pounds; <br /> <br />(b) has a gross vehicle weight rating of26,OOl or more pounds, inclusive ofa towed <br />unit wif11 a gross vehicle weight rating of more f11aJ1 10,000 pounds; or <br /> <br />(c ) is designed to traJ1Sport seven (7) or more passengers including the driver; or <br /> <br />(d) is of aJ1Y size aJ1d is used in the traJ1sportation of materials found to be Hazardous <br />Materials TraJ1sportation Act aJ1d which require f11e motor vehicle to be marked or <br />placarded under the hazardous materials regulations, 49 C.F .R., Part 172, Subpart <br />F. <br /> <br />A commercial motor vehicle does not include a fire truck or other emergency fire <br />equipment. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Confirmafion (or confirmatory) Test. In drug testing, a second aJ1alytical procedure to <br />identify the presence of a specific drug or metabolite that is independent of f11e screening <br />test aJ1d f11at uses a different technique aJ1d chemical principle from that of the screening <br />test, in order to ensure reliability aJ1d accuracy. (Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, <br />(GCIMS) is f11e only auf110rized confirmation mef110d for cocaine, marijuaJ1a, opiates, <br />amphetamines, aJ1d phencyclidine,) In alcohol testing, a second test, following a <br />screening test wif11 a result of 0.02 or greater that provides qUaJ1titative data of alcohol <br />concentration. <br /> <br />Confirmatory Retest for controlled substances, it meaJ1S a third aJ1alytical <br />procedure to reconfirm the presence of a specific drug or metabolite. If the test result of <br />the primary specimen is positive, the driver may request that f11e MRO direct f11e split <br />specimen be tested in any different DHHS - certified laboratory for presence off11e <br />drug(s). <br /> <br />Consortium meaJ1S aJ1 entity, including a group or association of employers or <br />contractors, that provides alcohol or controlled substaJ1ce testing as required by federal <br />regulations, or of11er V,S. Department of TraJ1sportation alcohol or controlled substances <br />testing rules, and f11at acts on the behalf of the employers. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Controlled Substance has the meaning assigned by 21 U.S. C 802 aJ1d includes all <br />substaJ1ces listed on Schedule 1-5 as they may be revised from time to time (21 C.F.R. <br />Part 1308). <br /> <br />3 <br />