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<br />DHHS meaJ1S the Department of Health aJ1d HumaJ1 Services or aJ1Y designee of the <br />Secretary of the Department of Health aJ1d HumaJ1 Services. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />DOT Agency is aJ1 agency (operating administration) of the United States Department of <br />TraJ1sportation administering regulations requiring alcohol aJ1d/or drug testing in <br />accordaJ1ce with 49 C.F.R., Part 40. <br /> <br />Driver meaJ1S aJ1Y person who operates or maintains a commercial motor vehicle. This <br />includes, but is not limited to full-time, regularly employed drivers, part-time aJ1d <br />temporary drivers, leased drivers aJ1d independent owner/operator contractors who are <br />either directly employed by or under lease to the City or who operate a commercial motor <br />vehicle at the direction of or with the consent of the City. For the purposes of pre- <br />employment/pre-duty testing only, the term "driver" includes a person applying to the <br />City for employment to drive a commercial motor vehicle. <br /> <br />Drug meaJ1S aJ1Y substance (other thaJ1 alcohol) that is a controlled substaJ1ce as defined <br />in 49 C.F.R., Part 40. <br /> <br />Evidential Breath Testing Device (EIH) meaJ1S aJ1 EBT approved by the National <br />Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSA) for the evidential testing of breath. <br /> <br />Employer meaJ1S the City of Arden Hills acting through its City Administrator or a <br />designee of the City Administrator. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />FHW A meaJ1S the Federal Highway Administration. <br /> <br />Medical Review Offieer (MRO) meaJ1S a licensed physiciaJ1 responsible for receiving <br />laboratory results generated by an employer's drug testing program, who has knowledge <br />of substance abuse disorders aJ1d has appropriate medical training to interpret aJ1d <br />evaluate aJ1 individual's confirmed positive test result together with his or her medical <br />history aJ1d aJ1Y other relevaJ1t biomedical information. <br /> <br />Performing a Safety Sensitive Function is a driver is considered to be <br />performing a safety sensitive function during aJ1Y period in which the driver is actually <br />performing, ready to perform, or immediately available to perform, or in a state of <br />readiness to perform aJ1Y safety sensitive function while on duty. <br /> <br />Random Seleetion meaJ1S a mechaJ1ism for selection of employees for testing where each <br />employee has aJ1 equal chaJ1ce of being tested each time selections are made. <br />Reasonable Suspicion meaJ1S that the City of Arden Hills believes the appearaJ1ce, <br />behavior, speech or body odors of a driver are indicative of the use of a controlled <br />substaJ1ce or alcohol based on the observation of at least one (I) supervisor or official <br />who has received training in the identification of behaviors indicative of drug aJ1d alcohol <br />use. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />4 <br />