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<br />JUN-30-2000 11:05 <br /> <br />MOUNDS VIEW ISD ~521 <br /> <br />551 539 5103 P.03/03 <br /> <br />-\ would pl,"n to distribute the ."JI'\Iey, by mail. to a randomly selected sample 01 city <br />residents (about 400). Th.. survey would be mailed at abo~tthe same time that the <br />August ed~ion of the city ncwGlcncr is dislributed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'Resldents would bc askcd 10 return the completed survey (return mail envelop.. <br />included in survey) to city hali within two weeks, <br /> <br />-As part 01 my project, I will tabulate the surveys, analyze results, and present a repOrt <br />to th" city.... well as presenting it at the University of St. Thomas. The report will be <br />ready III p...,,,ent to the city during the fall. <br /> <br />Somc things to consider: <br /> <br />A. I will incur sOllle cosls: photo copying, envelopes, and postaO'"'lnolhl!m, I <br />don't have e. specific budgcI bccausc there are some variables in thl> prQ""~~ (L.., firsl <br />class vs' bulk postage and the like), but 1'<1 ""'Ii mAtI! thAI this project will cost abouI <br />$350 In malerlals, Wouid the city be willin!'! to .Ii"".. .01l1E1 or lh"se costs with me" <br /> <br />B. I'm assuming that the city can generate a randomly selected sample of about 40n <br />mailing labels from its residcm database. Is that a corrQC'! assumption? <br /> <br />C. Would oilY stan be willing to help me sluff l>nv"lop"~ "'lid l",b"llhel11 on a one-time <br />basis? <br /> <br />lJ. It the survey should show thai Significant chD./lgcs or Improvements in the <br />nwwsleLIElr mlghl be a good idea, would the city be willing to make ('.hano",,'! <br /> <br />E. Survey gurus say that YOll can imrrl'l\(f! the r"turn rate an surveys by offering <br />participants some kind of Incentive to send th"n1 b",ck. I don 'I think we can do much of <br />that since this is a public ",nlily, but do you have any ide~JG for an incenlive tor <br />respondents to relurn surveys--mavbll .. discounl coupon on registration a some parks <br />and recreation program, a free brochure on lawn care and landscaping--3nything Ilk" <br />Ihal? <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />I'd be more than glad to It,.. next cily council meeting to tall< about this project if <br />that ,"""uld be a Oaod idaa. <br /> <br />Th..nks, <br /> <br />Mary Nosak <br /> <br />TOTAL P.03 <br /> <br />e <br />