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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />JUN-~U-~UUU 11:U~ <br /> <br />651 639 6103 P.02/03 <br /> <br />MUUND~ VieW ISD ~521 <br /> <br />In order to complete my Master at Communication Degree at the University of St. <br />Thomas, i am required to initial" a r"search project based on communication. <br /> <br />My request to the City of Arden Hills is thaL I be ,,11o_d to conduct a survey <br />concerning attitudes about the city newsletter Arden HtlJs lIIotes, <br /> <br />The title of my projQ(:1 wouid be <br /> <br />Is th... Am...n Hills city newsletter called Arden Hills Nut"s """r""iv"d <br />by ..:itV rllsidents a.G an effactive communlCOlion lool? <br /> <br />Here's a little background: <br /> <br />From whM I'could',ellfrom documents that'Sheila-provid';fdm......dly lloifw"l"u", n.... <br />been in llxlstllnce since al leaSI 1973. In 1990 Decisions Resources eonducted an <br />Arden Hills quality at Iile community sludy, DnA s",dion of the stuely indudlld <br />questions about communicalion, AI that lim", It," new6letter, then called The Town <br />Cricr, was very highly rnted by citizens as a communiC"Jllion tool. <br /> <br />However, In 1006, a similar study was conducted. During the intervening time, the <br />newsletter had changed its name and format a couple 01 times and was then called (as <br />now)thll Ardlim HiIJ~ Nates. The 1996 stucly concludeclthal the newsletter, while still <br />considered a good communication saurce, had lost same 01 its In""" IInd identity with <br />community residents. <br /> <br />I hat inlormation was gathered as part of larger studies, but I don't think the city has in <br />recent memory conducled any research lu......:;w :; u" le"ming how well residents <br />feel Ihe city newsletter meelS their communication needs or hOw rt could be improven. <br /> <br />-The purpose of my survey would be as klllows: <br />-to determine whether the newsletter is currently gaining or losing prominence <br />a" an elfer:llve "ommunir-.mion tool Inrthe City 01 Arden Hills <br />-what kinds of information Arden Hills residents feel it i6 impcrtant to receive <br />Irom the city <br />-wh..lh..r the currenlnewsleller is providing lhal impc.ltl"'''\ in[urrnatiun <br />-whether the current newsletter is providing lh.. informatlcn in a format Ihlll <br />residents feel is effective <br />-whether perceptions about print newsletters are changing due to increased <br />use of electronic communication <br />-whether there Is a perceived need lor on electronic (Web based) version of the <br />city newsletter. <br /> <br />.1 would develop the survey with the help and guidance of city staff. <br />