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<br />47. Dwelling nnit. One er !Rere rooms Y.'Hiefl. are Elffanged and desigaed as living <br />qHarters f-or a siagle HeHsefl.old eqHipjled ';:ith nemplete eo eking, llathing, <br />toilet, sle8jling lIfld heating meilities, bet eJ,elHding mellile HElmeS, ana in <br />":flieR the oee~ants liT/e aflfl eat S0i3arately kam. ether pefS6RS living in t-ke <br />building and wfiieh hWle direst aeness frem. the el'ltside of the buildiHg er <br />tlJreegh a eommen hall. A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OR PORTION <br />THEREOF INTENDED FOR OCCUPANCY BY ONE (1) FAMILY WITH <br />FACILITIES FOR LIVING, SLEEPING, COOKING AND EATING BUT <br />NOT INCLUDING HOTELS, MOTELS, NURSING HOMES, TENTS, <br />SEASONAL CABINS, BOARDING OR ROOMING HOUSES, MOTOR <br />HOMES OR TRAVEL TRAILERS. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />53. Family. An individual or two (2) or more persons, li'/ing tElgothor as a single <br />nen flreHt hoeseke8fliHg lH'Iit, lIsing ene kitsHen as diotinguished fr-oHl. a gfelljl <br />eeellfJyiHg a Hetel, elell, fraternit)' er serorit)' ReHoe. EACH RELATED TO <br />THE OTHER BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE, ADOPTION, OR FOSTER CARE, <br />OR A GROUP OF NOT MORE THAN FOUR (4) PERSONS, SOME OR <br />ALL OF WHOM ARE NOT RELATED BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE OR <br />ADOPTION, LIVING TOGETHER AND MAINTAINING A COMMON <br />HOUSEHOLD. <br /> <br />2. There is no definition of accessory structure in the definitions section of the ordinance. <br />Since there are restrictions on accessory buildings, it should be clearly defined. Also, A <br />there is no limit on the amount of accessory structures permitted. Typically, cities limit .. <br />this to one structure in addition to a detached garage, which is what I have proposed. <br />Also, the accessory structure setbacks are in conflict in some sections (10' for accessory <br />but some principle only require a 5' setback) so this language is proposed to be <br />amended. Finally, the term "parking structure" is not defined in the code so it has been <br />amended for "private garage" which is defined. <br /> <br />Add to Section II (D) Definitions, the following definition and renumber <br />accordingly: <br /> <br />ACCESSORY BUILDING, STRUCTURE OR USE. A SUBORDINATE <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, OR USE WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE SAME <br />LOT ON WHICH THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING OR USE IS SITUATED AND <br />WHICH IS REASONABLY NECESSARY, APPROPRIATE AND INCIDENTAL <br />TO THE CONDUCT OF THE PRIMARY USE OF SUCH PRINCIPAL <br />BUILDING OR PRINCIPAL USE. <br /> <br />Amend Section VI (A) #5, Size as follows: <br /> <br />5. Size. In R-l and R-2 Districts, no accessory structure shall exceed seven <br />hundred twenty eight (728) square feet in floor area and for accessory structures <br />located in the rear of a principle structure, the total floor area of all such A <br />accessory structures shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the minimum .. <br /> <br />2 <br />