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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Appendix - Arden Hills Water Quality Task Force - June 2000 <br /> <br />Recommendation Strategies <br /> <br />Below are the TF recommendations with suggested method(s) and implementations to <br />achieve the Arden Hills water quality goals. The recommendations were framed in terms of <br />management actions. It is suggested that these recommendations, and any standing policies <br />that originate from them, be integrated into the Water Management Plan process, We list <br />in Method(s) some of the processes required to accomplish the recommendation. We <br />intended to list in 1mplementation(s) some, but not all, specific tools to accomplish our <br />objectives. The matrix guides' present another representation of these concepts. The <br />Resources category describes potential costs. <br /> <br />1) Recommendation <br />The City should work to bring watershed education to the citizens of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Method(s): <br />Acquire and develop a variety of second party prepared material from existing water <br />education programs. Use all available City resources to expose residents, businesses, <br />schools, colleges, contractors, lawn service providers, lake associations, City Staff, City <br />Committees and other Cities - to Arden Hills water issues. Encourage partnership and <br />participation in water quality improvement by providing information and Best Management <br />Practices (BMP's) 8 information to the homeowner and City landholders. <br /> <br />Implementation(s): <br />Customize educational materials to fit the unique circumstances in Arden Hills and to <br />solve specific identified problems. <br />Publicize selected issues using the City newsletter, City web site, City committees, Lake <br />Associations, educational institutions, Cable Channel 16, other local organizations and <br />utility bill inserts. <br />Develop a section in the Arden Hills Library with these specified materials. Promote the <br />use of these materials. Televise selected events concerning water quality on a regular basis. <br />Develop an Arden Hills water quality display for use at the Town Hall meeting and Day in <br />the Park Celebration. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. See Appendix - Matrix Guides. <br />8 Best Management Practices defmitions and descriptions, <br /> <br />5 <br />