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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />srA'!'. OF IIIIlIUISOTA <br />COUNrY OF RAMSBY <br /> <br />VILLAID OF ARDllII HILLS <br />SPIiCIAL OSI PI~T - CASI MO. 72-24 <br /> <br />'I.'b. w..!.ni9"'ld, ClArk-AdlIlillhtrat..r of the Village of <br /> <br /> <br />Ardan Hilh, dOlla Iuoreby ""rUfy thaI: thh Speoial ga. Permil: <br /> <br /> <br />h gr....ted punu&J11: to the provhiona of Or4iIl&llOll 110. " <br /> <br /> <br />of Arden sill. in .coordanOll wil:b a public he.rin, duly bald <br /> <br /> <br />by the Plannill1l C~..iOll 011 Jun. " 1972, an4 .ub_quanl: <br /> <br /> <br />qprov.l th.reof by the Arden HUh COWloil on AU1Jllal: 14, <br /> <br /> <br />un, <br /> <br />P.raia.ion ia .ooordinllly Viven ~ tbe .pplicanl:, <br /> <br />1ti_.I:.l'II bl.y Company, 1:0 0011.1:""01: an4 op"rate on l:b. <br /> <br />properl:y b.r.inafl:.r 48.oril>.d a I:wo bUlldrad forty (2481 fool: <br /> <br />lIliar"",... toWer lUl4 ..noiOll build1llV, all punulDlt ~ the <br /> <br />plana an4 apeoific.tioll. l:b.r.for On,fil. with tbe Vill.lI. <br /> <br />AdlIlinhtruor. '1'11. properl:y wbiah ia the of l:hia <br /> <br />pendl: h Ilt1Jally de.01'tbad .. followa, <br /> <br />'I.'b.. part ..f tI>e 1I0rth_.t Quarter of the IIorth- <br />weal: ou.rtw: of I:b. IIortb...1: Quarter (1Ill' 1/4 of <br />IlW 1/4 of IlII1 1/-4) of '.nion 27, '1'ow...hip 10, <br />Ran,. U, ".01'ibe4 .. foIl...... S".rUn1l at I:ba <br />< oorn.r ..f t.b. 1I0rthe... (llIlLrt." (1111 1/41 <br />of '..ati.. 27/ the,,_ II.." .... the 1I0rth lJ._ there- <br />of fOur I'llm"_' .""" &ill (40411 'aal: te tIl. ph.. <br />of b.~inVI a.... lIaat 208.75 ,_1< along the <br />li..ra u.... ..,....u.. 27, the_ .....tIII al0A1I a <br />line wbiah i. par.llel to an" di.I:..." '14.71 <br />f"1< .....r1y ..f tI>e 11... of aaU -~"I: <br />Oua....." (liB l./4) 1:0 l:h. 1lI0~ dllbt-of....., U... <br />of Illta".I:.". RiVhway . '''/ the_ llort:b_ta:rly <br />a!<m, the IIortb dpl<-of_ay Un. 0' IlIur.t.U <br />Kifh.a)' . ,,. to . poillt th.reon wbiall h lo....ta. <br />fo. bUIld"... an4 aiJl 1'041) f..1: .aatad)' of th. <br />w..t li... 0' eaid 1101'110"....1< Quarter (D 1/4) I <br />the... IIortlll OR . 1111.. p."anal to &lid 41.1:.... <br />fo.... """"".,, an4 ai" (40') f..t a..t..d)' of th. <br /> line of .a.l.d 1I000I:beut O...arl:." (liE 1/4) 1:0 <br />l:h. potat of M1I11U1in9. <br /> <br />Tllh pendlo h iu...d. .uI>j."" ~ .11 the requir_nt. <br /> <br />and conditioaa ..t forl:h 1n No. 9t. l:h. loninq <br /> <br />Ordillance, oul>jeot to obta1Rin, a proper 1>1011din1l <br /> <br />f),A All j;;j7TH 1/_ .Ir A I 1./ Z::, 1-(X;f) <br /> <br />00 '-'d-~ ~ <br />~,t?tNFrL- ~ <br />I <br />~ <br />~)<.it1~11 1) . <br /> <br />r <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />r <br />I <br /> <br />i' <br />" <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />, <br />, <br />