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<br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />PiS <br /> <br />for th. con.~ru~ion of uid t.....r and ..ill. ..rvice bui14i"9, <br /> <br />ell ~o be buU~ in .o""r<ian... with th. pl..... .....s .peoifilUlUon. <br /> <br />tberefor .. ref.rred to in th. Ell.rb. r.pO.:t of Jdy 27. <br /> <br />1'72, OIl file with th. villa,. ~ni.tra.or, .. ..,...t.d <br /> <br />by the plan. .ub.......nUy fU.d .bowin, ."pan<led att. .....s <br /> <br />n.w t.....r lo...tion. ...<1 tbie p.rai t i. .ho i.....4 aubj.ot <br /> <br />to the following .peo1&1 ""..4iUon., <br /> <br />(a) Approval of .pplioant I. pl... by the <br />Minn....n B1ghway Depar_nt. <br /> <br />(bl Approval of all ..peete of appU.....t'. <br />plan by th. Vill",. B.,ina... <br /> <br />(a) Supervido.. by Ell.rb. and Auociate. of <br />all pba... of conatruotion of ..i4 t.....r. <br /> <br />(d) Submi..ion of a writt... ...po"t by Mr. <br />o.aar lIead, .ppli.....t' a ."pe"t, .lIl>Qdyin'l <br />hi. t..ti.o..y b.f"... tha Vill... <br />on Auqu.t 14, 1'72. <br /> <br />(.1 written .pproval b... th. p"ope""y own.r, <br />!tr. Gao",. lieU in, . <br /> <br />(f) <br /> <br />Midw..t.rn lIel.y CO~&Br .,,,... to ind....ify <br />and bold h...l.a. tha V 11.,. ....d Ell.rbe <br />from ...y liuUity f..r p.n.".al b'ury or <br />prop.rty 4.....,. .riain, out of or in the <br />COil." of """.trllotioD .....s .h&11 oerry QOIl- <br />tr.otual liui1111)' in"~"'''' _r... b- <br />aurin, auch und.rtal<iD\I w1th limit" .. <br />.p.o1f1ed for ra..wired ~r.h.D.i.. li.- <br />b111ty in.~aRce. <br /> <br />Mid....t..... RelaY Campeay ah&1.!. I__bll to <br />th. VUla,. . Pf'U..y 01 _hIl....h. ,...- <br />.".1 liab11it, ina~"'''' coveri., tbe V11- <br />1",. .nd Bll.... fo. any liability ari.1n, <br />oot of or in tbe ClIO"".a of _n"''''''1011 with <br />a b... policy GOver"',. of not l.a. than <br />$100,000. $300,000. .....s uabJr.llaCllOver.,. <br />of not 1... than '2,000,000. <br /> <br />(v) <br /> <br />Mid....~.rn PAll.y Colllpany allell f_bh l>O <br />th. VUl&v. th.... (3) copi.. of .11 4..i9" <br />dOClwunt. .....s "",Uon do....- <br />ment., inoludin, ""n.~JrUCI~1on ea4 .raotion <br />dnwin... and .peo1f1o.U...n.. <br /> <br />(i) Mid_.tern RelaY c...peny __lad,.. .....s <br />.v..... tb.t th. ded\JJl .....s .r.<<10.. of 1:ha <br />toW.r ""d an1:enl>U .1>.11 b. .ubj...t to r.- <br />vie.. ",,4 on-du i...paction by 81,.1.10.. _tinv <br />on b.b.ll of tha Villa,.. lioWith.t:Jmdill9 <br />.\lob ""d in.peotion by Ell.rbe. <br />Mid....t...... Rd.y Company .b..11 h. ....4 r....i.. <br />.oldy r..ponaibl. fQr all d"d.9l'l, _.truot10n <br />and oon.traction proceduru in oonn.ct:ion with <br />the project. <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />-2- <br />