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<br />The merits of a drainage subbase along the Ingerson Road "hill" east ofPernwood Street were <br />discussed since hills generally shed water very well as opposed to flatter profiles and therefor <br />have less need for subdrainage. Although these points are true, the monetary savings would be <br />approximately $25.00/per foot of roadway (IO% of roadway cost), differential settling at the <br />transition from sand subbase to no subbase would likely cause a dip or bump in the roadway in <br />that area and a lower level of performanee would still be expected from the non subbase roadway <br />over the long run. Staff recommends that a drainage subbase be included throughout Ingerson <br />Road. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Street Width <br /> <br />Harnline A venue and Ingerson Road: 30 feet face to face of curb. (local collector) <br />Carlton Drive, Cannon Avenue and Pernwood Street: 28 feet face to face of eurb. (local) <br />Ingerson Court and Pernwood Court: 24 feet face to face of curb. (special case) <br /> <br />Either driveway aprons or concrete valley gutters are proposed for Pernwood Court and Ingerson <br />Court to help delineate these two minor cul-de-sacs from Ingerson Road. <br /> <br />Hamline A venue Closure <br /> <br />Staff recommends that Harnline A venue be closed and removed between Ingerson Road and <br />Tiller Lane. The cost to reconstruct this segment of roadway would be much greater than the e <br />average for the neighborhood and may cause some encroachment into the adjacent wetland if <br />widened to 28-32 feet. Virtually no assessable properties lie on this segment of roadway raising <br />the city cost of the project. The traffic movements provided by the roadway could be replaced <br />by Dunlap Street and Pernwood Street. Traffic on those two streets will increase, the test <br />performed earlier this summer indicated an ADT increase on Dunlap Street from IOO to 300 <br />however, an ADT of 300 is still considered typical for a residential type street. A moderate <br />speed increase was also measured during the test apparently as a result of the closure however <br />speeds generally stayed below 30 mph. The project would include reconstructed curves and <br />landscaping as necessary at the Hamline A venue and Ingerson Road intersection and at the Tiller <br />Lane and Cannon Avenue intersection to present a smooth, finished design and not have the <br />closure appear as an afterthought. <br /> <br />A pedestrian/bicycle trail should be included between Ingerson Road and Tiller Lane in the <br />general area of Hamline A venue however the trail could meander to highlight any regrading, <br />ponding or stream construction which may occur in the area. <br /> <br />Water Quality Improvements <br /> <br />A. Pernwood Channel <br />Staff recommends that some permanent ponding be created in the Pcrnwood Channel in order to <br />improve the water quality of runoff entering Lake Josephine. The existing picnic area on the <br />west side of the channel should essentially remain intact. Some of the edges of the channel . <br />should be extended to the east in a serpentine nature to create the additional volume. A weir <br />