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<br />DP"> Ci, if" T' <br />~ ,~~t(~~\r ' <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - August 15, 2000 4 <br /> <br />support thc project going forward. Councilmember Aplikowski did express concerns about the . <br />additional costs projected due to winter construction. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated that he concurrcd with Councilmember Rem's comments, and <br />continucd to have concerns about the language in the Right of Entry documcnt, and questioned <br />whether this was standard language for the DoA. Councilmember Grant was concerned that the <br />document fully protected the DoA' s rights, but the City had little recourse. <br /> <br />City Attorney Filla stated that the document appeared to be standard for a DoA document, with <br />the first paragraph addrcssing their right to essentially revoke thc document at any time. Mr. <br />Filla stated that he wouldn't expcct any othcr documcnt from a federal agency, as they usually <br />maintained all authority. Mr. Filla rcmindcd Councilmembers that the DoA had also been <br />working on the land conveyancc for tcn (10) years, and that the City was dealing with a branch <br />ofthe U.S. Government, and should have evcry rcasonable expectation that the land conveyancc <br />will occur. Mr. Filla stated that, if the Council was looking for a document that guaranteed no <br />financial risk to the City, the DoA would not cooperatc with such verbiagc. Mr. Filla stated that, <br />the only reasonable event that they would not convey, would be for an environmental issue, and <br />the property has been reviewed so thoroughly, there should be no reason to suspect any <br />environmental issue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated that the City's environmental consultant had found environmental <br />issues that the DoA had missed before, and while the City had received the Icgislation, we still . <br />had no firm datc, and since the City had been pursuing the property for ten (10) years already, <br />she was not confident of that process. Councilmember Rcm expressed rcsidents and her personal <br />concerns about what the cost had been to the City in bidding the project twice, prior to <br />possession ofFec Title. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst concurred with the comments made by Councilmember Larson, and City Attorney <br />fills regarding the good faith action by the DoA in providing an early Right-of-Entry document <br />to accommodate preliminary construction work, and that the small parcel for City Hall had been <br />held to a higher standard of cnvironmental conccrn than any othcr portion of TCAAP. Mayor <br />Probst encouraged Councilmembers to move the project forward at this time. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant expresscd further concerns that the DoA had all the legal authority in thc <br />Right of Entry document, with thc City being required to take the legal document at face valuc <br />and take a "leap of faith" hoping that all would work out. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson acknowledged Councilmember Rem's comments regarding actions of <br />previous City Council's in decisions regarding moving forward with construction bids prior to <br />having Fee Titlc to the property, but stated that the current City Council had followed suit in <br />rccent Council actions. <br /> <br />. <br />