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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MARCH 7, 2001 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson asked what square footage is represented on the Maximum Plan, Mr. <br />Dowdy stated this scheme originated from a three-story building but could be composed of two <br />eight story towers connected by a two to three story atrium, or any variation to reach that square <br />footage, <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson mentioned a building that is being constructed in Roseville, Mr, <br />McClure stated that is a five-story building, Commissioner Erickson stated he does not object to <br />an eight-story building and feels this would be an appropriate location for such a scale of <br />building, He commented on the surrounding buffer space and adjacent freeway. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson stated the maximum height of the ramp would need to stay within the <br />Code of 35 feet in height. Ms, Chaput stated parking would need to accommodate the building <br />SIze, <br /> <br />Mr. Dowdy reviewed heights of various parking deck configurations, <br /> <br />Chair Baker indicated support that the 35 foot height restriction be measured from Gateway <br />Boulevard since that is what will be seen. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson agreed that using the elevation of Gateway Boulevard would be an <br />appropriate benchmark, <br /> <br />The Commission concurred. <br /> <br />Commissioner Duchenes stated she shares the concern expressed by Commissioner Galatowitsch <br />about the impact of an eight-story high building in this location, However, she has no problem <br />with five or six stories in height, She asked if it is common to express this limitation in feet <br />above grade, <br /> <br />Mr. McClure stated they have decided to not do that since the floor elevations have not stayed <br />static due to new technology issues, Mr. Dowdy explained the ranges in feet that a story could <br />be and advised that it is somewhat user defined. <br /> <br />Mr. McClure suggested the foot measurement per story not be addressed since different users <br />may have different requirements. <br /> <br />Commissioner Erickson suggested that mechanical penthouses be included within the eight story <br />requirement. Ms. Chaput stated the Code measures to the flat roof and does not include the <br />measurement of mechanical equipment. Commissioner Erickson stated he is addressing <br />equipment contained within an enclosed story, <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked if the intent is for underground parking, Mr. McClure stated if <br />the building is three to four stories or more, they would have underground parking so the first <br />floor would be at the level of the elevated deck, Mr, Dowdy stated the parking would be at grade <br />elevation within the site, <br /> <br />Chair Baker reviewed the "Building Design and Materials" section. <br />