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<br />I <br />~ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />8.15.01 <br /> <br />the funds. The rest of the $12 million a year in administrative money is used <br />for various special projeets. Wallop-Breaux is supposed to be new money for <br />new fishery improvements. But some of the money is being used to replace <br />state funding from licenses and the general treasury. The U. $, Fish and <br />Wildlife Serviee views itself as simply a conduit of dollars to the states. <br /> <br />Pittman-Robertson - Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act <br /> <br />Funded by an excise tax on angling and hunting equipment, this program <br />helps rai<;e the revenue necessary to fund specifie restoration projects by state <br />fish and wildlife agencies. <br /> <br />Sport Fish Restoration Act <br /> <br />States receive federal aid monies for fisheries management, administered by <br />the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service on a 75 percent (federal) and 25 pereent <br />(state) basis. The federal share is from excise taxes and the state share is <br />mainly from sport fishing licenses. <br /> <br />DNR's Flood Hazard Mitigation Program <br /> <br />Up to 50 percent cost sharing is available through the bonding program. As <br />with PFA funds, this alternative best applies to a phased construetion scenario, <br />sinee the state funding is on the biennium, <br /> <br />Metropolitan Council Water Ouality Initiative Grant <br /> <br />Annually, Metropolitan Council sponsors the Water Quality Initiative Grant <br />Program. Initially focused on improving the quality to the Minnesota River, <br />the program expanded in 1996 to consider larger, regional based applications. <br />The program includes both technical and educational grant categories. A <br />maximum of $100,000 is available, with up to three grant periods. A 25 <br />pereent match is required. Applieations have been due in Mareh. <br /> <br />Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund <br /> <br />The Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund is focused on projeets that <br />demonstrate alternative forms of urban design and development that promotes <br />more effieient use of land and regional services. This funding source could be <br />geared towards water quality restoration and/or retrofitting treatment into a <br />redeveloping setting. An example is the Phalen Village in St. Paul, where the <br />Restoration of Ames Lake near a mostly vacant shopping center, was funded <br />in 1996. <br /> <br />RCWD Cost-Sharing for Municipal Retrofit Stormwater Ouality BMPs <br /> <br />The purpose of this program is to encourage municipalities to incorporate <br />water quality management praetiees in redevelopment, roadway, and storm <br />sewer improvement projects. The amount of the cost share by RCWD is 75% <br />of estimated project cost, or bid cost (whiehever is lower), not to exceed <br />$50,000. <br /> <br />A-ARDEN0101.00 <br />Page 34 <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills, Minnesota <br />Local Stormwater Management Pian <br />