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<br />PLEASE PUT A CHECK MARK BY YOUR CITY'S TOP FIVE (5) MAm PRIORITIES <br />(SEE FULL TEXT OF POLICIES IN THE PROPOSED 2002 CITY POLICIES PACK) <br /> <br />City Name: <br /> <br />Improving Fiscal Futures <br />_FF-l. State-Local Fiscal Relations <br />_FF-2. State Shared Revenues <br />_FF-3. Taxation of Municipal Bond Interest <br />_FF-4. City Fiscal Year <br />_FF-5. Sales Tax on Local Government Purchases <br />_FF-6. Payments for Services to Tax- Exempt Property <br />_FF-7. Truth-in-Taxation <br />FF-S. State Administrative Deductions from State Aid <br />_FF-9. Reporting Requirements <br />_ FF -10. Federal Budget Cutbacks <br />FF- 11. Price of Government <br />_FF-12. Impact Fees <br />_FF-13. Delayed Assessments for Roads <br />FF-14. Taxation of Electronic Commerce <br />FF-15. Limited Market Value <br />_FF-16. State Charges for Administrative Services <br />_FF-17. Levy Limits <br />FF ,IS. Reverse Referendum <br />_FF-19. City Revenue Diversification <br /> <br />Improving Local Economies <br />_ LE-l. Growth Management and Annexation <br />LE-2. Electric Service Extension <br />_LE-3. Statutory Approval Timelines <br />LE-4. Public Infrastructure Utilities <br />_LE-5. Development Fee Disputes <br />_ LE-6. Housing Policy <br />_LE-7. State andlor County Licensed Residential Facilities <br />_LE-S. Inclusionary Housing <br />_LE-9. Community Land Trusts <br />_LE-IO. Municipal Telecommunications Authority <br />_ LE-I ]. State Telecommunications Policy <br />_LE-12 Right-of-Way Management <br />_LE-J3. Franchising Authority <br />_ LE- I 4. Financing Community Reinvestment Efforts <br />_LE-15. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) <br />_ LE-16. TIF Grant Program, Special Deficit, and Pooling <br />Authority <br />LE-17. Business Subsidies <br />_LE-IS. Minnesota Investment Fund <br />_ LE- 19. Redevelopment Programs <br />_LE-20. Property Tax Abatement Authority <br />LE-21. Brownfields <br />----..LE-22. OSA Response Timelines <br />_LE-23. OSA Time Limitations <br />_LE-24. Economic Development Authorities <br />LE-25. Workforce Readiness <br />_LE-26. Adequate Funding for Transportation <br />_LE-27. State Aid for Urban Road Systems <br />_LE-2S. Tumbacks of County and State Roads <br />_ LE-29. Road Funding for Cities Under 5,000 <br />LE-30. Railroad-Related Projects <br /> <br />Improving Service Delivery <br />_ SD-l. Redesigning and Reinventing Government <br />SD-2. Unfunded Mandates <br /> <br />_SD-3. City Costs for Enforcing State and Local Laws . <br />_SD-4. Design-Build <br />_SD-5. Providing Information to Citizens <br />_ SD-6. Construction Codes <br />_SD-7. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) <br />Standards <br />SD-S. Fees for Service <br />_ SD-9. Library Funding <br />_SD-IO. Civil Liability of Local Governments <br />_ SD-II. Private Property Rights and Takings <br />SD-12. Election Issues <br />_SD-13. Local Election Authority <br />SD-14. Environmental Protection <br />_SD-15. Sale of Lawn Fertilizers Containing Phosphorus <br />_SD-16. Creating a Minnesota GIS Program <br />_ SD-17. State Appropriation for Goverbnment Training <br />Service <br />_ SD-IS. Public Safety Spectrum Needs <br />_SD-19. Legalization of Fireworks <br />_SD-20. 911 Funding <br />_SD-21. Racial Profiling <br />SD-22. O.OS DWI <br />SD-23. CriMNet <br />_SD-24. Red Light Cameras <br />_SD-25. Misdemeanor Fines <br />_SD-26. State Regulation of Massage Therapists . <br />_SD-27. On-Sale Liquor or Wine Licenses to Performing <br />Theaters and Cultural Centers <br />_SD-2S. Youth Access to Alcohol and Tobacco <br /> <br />Human Resources and Data Practices <br />Human Resources <br />_HR-I. Preservation of Local Decision-Making Authority <br />on Employment Related Issues <br />_HR-2. Veterans' Preference <br />_HR-3. Compensation Limits <br />_ HR-4. Public Employees Labor Relations Act (PELRA) <br />_HR-5. Re-employment Benefits <br />_HR-6. Essentiai Employees <br />_HR-7. Pensions Benefits <br />_HR-S. PERA Funding Deficiency <br />_HR-9. State Paid Police and Fire Medical Insurance <br />_HR-IO. Breathalyzers <br />_HR-ll.Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation <br />_HR-12. Health Care Insurance Programs <br />_HR-I3. Electronic Timekeeping <br />_HR-14. Volunteer Fire Relief Pension <br />Data Practices <br />_DP-l. Public Access to Information <br />_DP-2. State Model Policies and Training <br />_DP-3. Tennessen Warning <br />DP-4. Violations of Government Data Practices Act . <br />Federal Employment Law <br />_FED-I. FLSAIOvertime Compensation <br />_FED-2. MedicarelMedicaid Premium Disbursements <br /> <br />_Electric Restructuring <br />