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<br />02/04/2002 10:38 <br /> <br />5515353070 <br /> <br />ESSENTIAL BUSINESS D <br /> <br />PAGE 04 <br /> <br />.(- <br /> <br />N"'- . ..S. .\. ...J'1............,...~..'.....'.....'.......'.,.............,...:.................i. . <br />. . ~. .'........../,.... <br /> <br />Non:h Suburban Youth FoundatiC>lr <br />. ','." -,;'", <br /> <br /> <br />"'0: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'," <br /> <br />June 25,2001 <br /> <br />......,., ,,', <br />,~ , . '. . - ,- .. <br /> <br />School Board Members <br />MoWlds View Schoo/District 6:il." ..... <br />2959 North Hamline AvellUe . .. <br />R08eville, MN 551 13 <br /> <br />Board Mel)1bers, <br /> <br />" "1.1< <br /> <br />-""':',.;" <br /> <br />. . ""'- . <br />": '" . , :. ":.,,,,":'!:Y/:i>'.,::,:: :':-:", .:", . . <br />. . Enc106ed is a check in the alt10Ullt:+~~qOOpaY'bletothe621 ,school Oistrict.. This is a contribution <br />from North Suburban Youth 'l'6tJl#I~\\i)i(NSYF)U:>beusedinsuppoit ofprojecls and programs within the <br />SCh.OO.1 dis.triC.1. ourorEaniza. ..tio.,.n:'.I:.';..;....'..l..~.,.,!1l....~...I"l.....a. >'111. ..ietY. :Of. cd. tJ.'.orialactivities in. . the Mow\ds View district <br />for many years, usuallypaytngdiJ!. ..i1Il'theproJectorvendofs: rheroerobers ofNSYF .U'e proud and <br />. pleased to make thisdonatiori W.lll6' , !Il('.fllenhiul<;ellpportunitiClS for our youth. .. <br />. ',.'" ,.."",:,~,"V:':' -:,,' " " .. ",' . '.. . <br />.",-',,". . <br />""I ..,. <br /> <br />This payroentof$35,OOO <li1'~tl)('~11~~h;"'IdiSlrjctrepresentsa8efllement of a lawsuit brought .gainst <br />NSYFby the 621 Foundatioo;W' ..~~~the law811iUo have been frivolous arid .wlthout merit. In an . <br />attempt toavo!d a long dtaWnOlif,Ji.itle ooaMgthouSBndslJfdollars, NSYF o/li:red \huing mediation <br />to make this donation to the sS~~:, .,.'l\SlIwilytllsetile. HMthis offer been accepted when. first <br />made, att.orneys fees .would hAv.e..' .'. ~tonsiderilbly:Fioally, .after many Il1llre months of expense, <br />"'_'.-':''''-'..:.':, 1,"':-'-' ,","': ,_",,,,"., ,," _,:"," ,,' ,,"" <br />621 Foundation agreed to accept,:~~~\l8Ioffer.}hislaMuitc.used funds normally dc'dicated for the <br />youth in our north suburbanc~l:oillStead bepaldto8lt~s. U'nforrunately, the only perSOD-' to <br />benefit; lIOtillloW, has. been the~~:;' 621 Foundation did not "win"this settlement, it was our . <br />decision \Q make the o&r. . ... <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />, "....... '.' ,,'. .....:.... ,~:. '~. ;...;:....":...~. '..'... . . . ...... ... . .... . <br />During this periOd NSYF hastec~~reljuests!.8sistance. Attached arecojlies of three <br />projects in theschooldistri.ct ~:~i:P\iras5isianlle.Eac1ioftiiese projects appear to meet our criteria <br />for acceptance. Becauseoflhis~IitBitd'relatecLfees, we have not been able to provide any funds to <br />these and other requests. We.aaK'tItlitl;~ti,loqk attheseprojectsasa possible uses of this 1:35,000. .. <br />; ',....-,,,.:..,.,., <br /> <br />.:.':/.'-:..:,., <br /> <br />Thank you forincluwng this letteriMY#nieeting minutes. <br /> <br />Yours truly, <br /> <br />., ':.',.'.='";' <br />':'-'> ',;;. <br /> <br />R. Robert Motson <br />E)(ecutjve Director <br /> <br />i-' <br /> <br />"'-'\-' <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />e <br />