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<br />Gatewav Business Center - Arden Hills. MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />primarily serve the office tenants, Additionally, any accessory or incidental assembly, <br />repair, processing, manufacturing, laboratory, or storage that is necessary to conduct <br />the permitted use will be allowed, as specified in the Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) zoning ordinance, as long as it does not occupy more than 60 percent of the <br />gross floor area of any building, and provided that such use may not exceed a <br />maximum of 50 percent of the gross square footage of the entire development. <br />The proposed office development scenario will fall within a City-approved range of <br />225,000 to 495,000 square feet of gross floor area, The Concept Plan (Figure 5) <br />illustrates the proposed development with the maximum amount of square footage <br />and with the most intense land use (office), The ultimate size of the development and <br />type of commercial uses will be determined by market conditions and demand at the <br />time of development approval, <br />The construction of the 26,5 acre development will require four parcels to be <br />combined and replatted and 13th Street NE to be removed, The Morris <br />Communications pareel, 19,9 acres, includes two billboard outlots and a sightline <br />easement that will be replatted to facilitate development. Morris Communications <br />will retain ownership of the two billboard outlots, Two pareels of 1.1 and 3.1 acres <br />are owned by ATS Steel. If and when acquired by the Proposer, the existing <br />structures on these parcels will be razed. A final parcel of 2,4 acres consists of a <br />railroad right-of-way owned by MT Properties/Burlington Northern Railroad that will <br />be vacated upon acquisition by the Proposer. Construction timing will be dependent <br />on the type of building constructed, which could be either a single story or multi-story <br />building, up to eight-stories in height. It is assumed that length of construetion will <br />range between six and 18 months, Project phasing is unknown and will be driven by <br />market demand, <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Site Layout. <br />The office development scenario will range in size from 225,0000 to 495,000 square <br />feet of gross floor area (Figure 5), At the less intense end of the range, the <br />development could accommodate single- or multi-story office buildings, One level of <br />tempered, or heated, parking could be provided under the buildings. At the more <br />intense end of the range, the development could accommodate mid-rise office <br />buildings up to eight-stories in height (not including penthouse structures or <br />mechanical or screening appurtenances), connected by a common entrance atrium, <br />elevator lobby and service core. Again, one level of tempered parking would be <br />provided under the office buildings. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Site Circulation and Parking. <br />Off-street parking for the office development scenario will be provided as a <br />combination of surface parking, parking underneath the office building and two-stOry <br />structure parking. As required by the City zoning for office uses, parking will be <br />provided at a ratio of five (5) 1Jarking spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of <br />gross floor area (GFA). defined as total GFAx 95 percent, which is tvpical of similar <br />office developments in the area. At a total GFA range of 225,000 to 495,000 square <br />feet, a range between 1,069 and 2,351 parking spaces will result. This amount of <br />parking represents a maximum development seenario, If the final development <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />