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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Gatewav Business Center - Arden Hills. MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />was observed on the ground in the northwest comer of the site, The tarpaper layer may <br />contain asbestos, <br /> <br />Based on review of the regulatory database information, several facilities in the site area <br />have been the souree of soil and/or groundwater contamination, Based on their distance <br />and/or location with respect to assumed groundwater flow direction, impacts at the site <br />from these documented releases, if any, are not expected to exceed regulated levels, <br /> <br />Review of a 1989 Phase I EA for the rendering plant property reported an old dump on <br />the western portion of the site. However, current information from the MPCA identifies <br />this dump to be located three-quarters of a mile north/northwest of the site on the <br />opposite side of the freeway. Aerial photographs dating back to 1937 show no evidence <br />of dumping activities on the site, <br /> <br />Based on research eonducted for the Phase I EA, no recognized environmental conditions <br />were identified on the site with the exception of the following: <br />. Buried items may have been encountered during development of the ATS Steel <br />building located adjacent to the north of the site. Large circular structures possibly <br />associated with the former rendering plant were present in the 1950's at this location, <br />Hazardous wastes have been generated at the facility for at least the past ten years. <br />Based on the historical uses of the ATS Steel property, a potential for subsurface <br />contamination exists at the site. <br />. A geotechnical soil boring completed at the site identified fill that contained cinders, <br />The source of the fill is unknown and could represent a potential source of <br />contamination, <br /> <br />The Phase I EA recommends the following: <br />. A subsurface investigation should be carried out if it is necessary to verify whether or <br />not historical uses of the ATS Steel property have impacted subsurface conditions at <br />the site, <br />. A chemical analysis should be conducted if it is neeessary to verify whether or not the <br />fill material containing einders possesses elevated eoneentrations of metals or other <br />possible contaminants, A Phase II EA was conducted in May (see below), <br />. Site development plans should take into account the presence of the two groundwater <br />monitoring wells that may be required to remain in place for several years, <br />. The insulated wallboard should be tested to determine if the tarpaper layer contains <br />asbestos, If asbestos is found, this material should be properly disposed of at a facility <br />licensed to accept asbestos waste, <br /> <br />A Phase II Limited Soil/Groundwater Assessment was completed May 3, 2001 for the <br />site, excluding the A TS Steel property, According to this report, a limited Phase II, dated <br />April 9, 2001, involved the excavation of six test pits on the property, ranging from 7 to <br />17 feet below grade, These test pits were explored for possible buried materials and to <br />collect samples for chemieal analysis, Diesel range organics were found in the soil and <br />groundwater and may consist of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Additional sampling <br />and chemical analysis of the fill material, underlying soils and groundwater was <br /> <br />Page 9 <br />