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<br />Gatewav Business Center - Arden Hills. MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />18. <br /> <br />Water Quality- Wastewaters <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />a, Describe sources, composition and quantities of all sanitary, municipal and industrial <br />wastewater produced or treated on the site. <br />495,OOOWastewater will be piped to the municipal sewer system, which should have <br />capacity for this type of development. Wastewater is not treated on the site, <br /> <br />The estimated flow increase is a maximum :t56.513 gallons per dav (gpd). This flow <br />is based on 2,400 sq, ft. of office space per one sewer availability charge (SAC) unit. <br />One SAC unit equals 274 gpd. 495,000 sf is equivalent to 206 SAC units, which are <br />equivalent to 56,513 gpd. <br /> <br />The maximum estimated BODs increase is :t94,3 lb/dav. This ealculation is based on <br />medium concentration wastewater (BODs = 200 mg/I) applied to the 56,513 gpd flow <br />increase, <br />[BODs = 56,513gpd*3,7851/gal*200mg/I*(llb/453,6x103mg)], <br /> <br />b. Describe waste treatment methods or pollution prevention efforts and give estimates of <br />composilion after treatment. Identify receiving waters, including major downstream water <br />bodies, and estimate the discharge impact on the quality of receiving waters. If the project <br />involves on-site sewage systems, discuss the suitability of site conditions for such systems. <br /> <br />Wastewater will not be treated on site, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />c. If wastes will be discharged into a publicly owned treatment facility, identify the facility, <br />describe any pretreatment provisions and discuss the facility's ability to handle the volume and <br />composition of wastes, identifying any improvements necessary. <br /> <br />Wastes will be discharged into the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant in St. <br />Paul, Minnesota. No pretreatment provisions will be provided, <br />Aeeording to the DNR, wastewater flows above 1,000,000 gallons constitute an area <br />of concern, Flows from this development fall well below this amount and thus it is <br />assumed capacity is available for this type of development, <br /> <br />d. If the project requires disposal of liquid animal manure, describe disposal technique and <br />location and discuss capacity to handle the volume and composition of manure. Identify any <br />improvements necessary. Describe any required setbacks for land disposal systems. <br /> <br />Not applicable. <br /> <br />19. <br /> <br />Geologic Hazards and Soil Conditions. <br />a. Approximate depth (in feet) to ground water: 6,9-11.5 feet below grade at three of twelve <br />boring locations <br />Minimum: 6,9 <br />Average: 9,2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page 18 <br />