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<br />Gatewav Business Center - Arden Hills, MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Approximate depth (in feel) to bedrock: Boring depths ncver reached bedrock, 200 feet, <br />according to the Ramsey County Geological Atlas <br />Minimum: <br />Average: 200 <br /> <br />A preliminary Geoteehnical Exploration and Review, November 22, 2000, a Phase I <br />Environmental Assessment, January 4, 2001, and a Phase IT Environmental <br />Assessment, May 3, 2001 (all available upon request) were prepared for the site, See <br />appendices for excerpts from these reports. The Phase I and IT EAs did not investigate <br />conditions on the A TS Steel property. According to the soil boring report, <br />groundwater levels are not easy to determine, due to the relatively slow-draining <br />silty/clayey soils, which can cause perched water to develop, Piezometers and long- <br />term monitoring are necessary to better determine groundwater levels, <br /> <br />Describe any of the following geologic site hazards to ground water and also identify them on <br />the site map: sinkholes, shallow limestone formations or karst conditions, Describe measures <br />to avoid or minimize environmental problems due to any of these hazards, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Phase I Environmental Assessment states that, according to the Ramsey County <br />Geologieal Atlas, the uppermost bedrock formation at the site consists of the Prairie <br />du Chien Group. The upper part of the Prairie du Chien Group is thin-bedded, sandy <br />or oolithic dolostone that may contain karst solution cavities, The lower part of the <br />Prairie du Chien Group is massive or thick-bedded dolostone. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration and Review, November 22, 2000 <br />(Appendix H), provided the following recommendations for the proposed <br />development: <br />. The proposed offiee buildings can be supported on spread footing foundations <br />designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf to 4,000 psf after soil <br />correcti on. <br />. The soil correction should inelude removing the surficial fill, topsoil, swamp <br />deposits and softer (N ~ 5 bpf) clayey soils, <br />. The floor slab ean be supported on grade after performing soil correction, <br />. Alternatively, the proposed five-story office building ean be supported on a pile <br />foundation, if foundations designed for a 4,000 psf bearing pressure are not <br />practical. <br />. Perimeter drain tile should be installed around below-grade building space. <br />. Pavements can be supported on the non-organic site soils after surface <br />compaction and placement of compacted fill to attain plan grade. Soils which <br />become unstable during the surface compaction should be subcut and replaced <br />with better quality material to attain grade. <br />. Placement of a I-foot-thiek sand layer in the upper portion of the sub grade ean <br />improve pavement performance, The pavement should be designed for an R-value <br />of 10 if the site soils are utilized for subgrade. If a I-foot-thick sand layer is <br />placed in the upper portion of the subgrade, the pavement can be designed for an <br />R-value of 20, <br /> <br />Page 19 <br />