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<br />Gateway Business Center - Arden Hills. MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />. On-site soils are relatively poor draining and, thus, surface water can be expected <br />to perch in the excavation during times of wetter weather. Water should be . <br />removed from within the excavations during construction, Based on the soils <br />encountered, the ground water can be handled with conventional sump pumping. <br />. On-site soils can become disturbed under construction traffic, especially if the <br />soils are wet. If the soils become disturbed, they should be subcut to the <br />underlying undisturbed soils, The subcut can then be dried and recompacted back <br />into place, or they should be removed and replaced with drier imported fill. <br /> <br />b. Describe the soils on the site, giving NRGS (SGS) classifications, if known. Discuss soil <br />granularity and potential for groundwater contamination from wastes or chemicals spread or <br />spilled onto the soils. Discuss any mitigation measures to prevent such contamination. <br /> <br />The soils on the site and their NRCS classifications are as follows, aeeording to the <br />RamseylWashington County Soil Survey: <br /> <br />860C Urban Land-Hayden-KingsIey Complex, 3-15% slope. Urban land consists <br />of 90 percent of this complex and in undisturbed areas, the remainder consists of <br />Hayden and Kingsley soils, The soil is well-drained, permeability is moderate and <br />runoff is rapid, This complex is well-suited to building site development. Erosion <br />control is desirable both during and immediately following construction. Onsite <br />investigation is reeommended to determine the potentials and limitations of this <br />complex for any proposed use, <br /> <br />132B Hayden Fine Sandy Loam, 2- <br />6% slope. The soil is well-drained, <br />permeability is moderate and surface <br />runoff is slow. Good potential for <br />building sites. <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />132C Hayden Fine Sandy Loam, 6- <br />12% slope. The soil is well-drained, <br />permeability is moderate and surface <br />runoff is rapid, Well-suited as a <br />building site, <br /> <br />132D Hayden Fine Sandy Loam, 12-25% slopes. The soil is well-drained, <br />permeability is moderate and surfaee runoff is rapid to very rapid. Fair potential for <br />building sites. Erosion should be controlled both during and immediately following <br />construeti on. <br /> <br />The soil boring report states that the generalized soil profile consists of 1-14 feet of <br />fill, topsoil and swamp deposits underlain by glaeial till and alluvial soils. The fill <br />soils consist primarily of sand and silty sand, but some clayey soils are present. The <br />topsoil consists primarily of silty sand with lesser amounts of lean clay and clayey <br />sand. The topsoil thickness is typieally 1-2 feet. Swamp deposits were encountered at . <br /> <br />Page 20 <br />