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<br />Gatewav Business Center - Arden Hills, MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />24. <br /> <br />Dust, Air and Noise Impacts. Will the project generale odors, noise or dust during construction or <br />during operation? <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />o Yes _D No <br /> <br />If yes, describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities of intensity and any proposed <br />measures to mitigate adverse impacts. Also identify locations of nearby sensitive receptors and <br />estimate impacts on them, Discuss potential impacts on human health or quality of life. (Note: <br />fugitive dust generated by operations may be discussed at item 23 instead of here.) <br /> <br />Dust <br />Construction of the project will generate some dust. Mitigative measures, such as water <br />spraying on dirt surfaces will be used as necessary, Therefore, it is not anticipated that <br />fugitive dust will be generated in objectionable quantities. No odor emissions are <br />expected as a result of this project. <br /> <br />Noise <br />Noise will be generated from construction and increased traffic in the area, Construction <br />noise impacts will be mitigated by limiting construction to daytime hours and assuring <br />equipment is properly muffled. <br /> <br />The most noise sensitive receptors in the project area are the homes loeated along <br />Highway 96 north of the projeet. An analysis of peak-hour traffic levels on Highway 96 <br />predict an increase of traffic levels of approximately 10-15 percent. This equates to an . <br />increased noise level of about 0.5 dBA, (A dBA is a unit of sound level expressed in <br />decibels and weighted for the purpose of determining the human response to sound,) This <br />is not a measurable increase in environmental noise. The facility is not expected to <br />generate significant nighttime traffic. <br /> <br />25. Sensitive Resources <br />Are any of the following resources on or in proximity to the site: <br /> <br />a. Archaeological, historical, or architectural resources? 0 Yes 0 No <br /> <br />b. Prime or unique farmlands? 0 Yes 0 No <br /> <br />c. Designated parks, recreation areas, or trails? 0 Yes 0 No <br /> <br />The proposed development includes a future city trail on Gateway Boulevard <br />specified in the Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan. An existing railroad bridge located <br />near the site may be converted to a pedestrian bridge crossing over 1-35W, This <br />bridge is located adjacent to the western boundary of the site, <br /> <br />Considerable discussion has taken place regarding the potential for a trail extension to <br />Long Lake Regional Park, utilizing the existing railroad bridge. MT Properties, owner <br />of the bridge, will require the Cities of Arden Hills and New Brighton to take . <br />responsibility for the bridge or have it removed as part of the railroad right-of-way <br /> <br />Page 26 <br />