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<br />Gateway Business Center - Arden Hills, MN <br /> <br />EAW <br /> <br />September 2001 <br /> <br />mitigation measures is consistent with the statements made in the Comprehensive Plan <br />relative to Industrial development and the Gateway Business District. e <br /> <br />28. Impact on Infrastructure and Public Services. Will new or expanded utilities, roads, other <br />infrastructure or public services be required to serve the project? 0 Yes D No <br />If yes, describe the new or additional infrastructure or services needed. (Note: any infrastructure <br />that is a connected action with respect to the project must be assessed in the EAW; see EAW <br />Guidelines for details.) <br /> <br />Regional Stormwater Management Pond, An existing regional stormwater pond is <br />loeated in the northwest corner of the site, The pond was originally designed and built for <br />the Gateway Business Center development across Gateway Boulevard to the north of the <br />proposed development. This pond will be expanded and surface water runoff from the <br />proposed development will be piped to the pond, The pond will provide measures for <br />rate control and water quality treatment. The ATS Steel stormwater pond, located to the <br />east of the buildings, will be filled. <br /> <br />Water, The proposed office buildings will be connected to the City's eXlstmg 12" <br />watermain along Gateway Blvd for fire protection and domestic water service, (See <br />Grading, Utility, and Erosion Control Plan, sheet C1.0) <br /> <br />Transportation~ <br />. The proposed improvements to County Road 96 mentioned above are antieipated to <br />be completed by the year 2005. The planned improvements to County Road 96 will . <br />be adequate for the added traffic. <br />. The recently completed improvements to Round Lake Road are adequate for the <br />additional traffic volumes generated by an office development that would reach the <br />upper end of the proposed 225,000 to 495,000 sq. ft. range. <br />. A study prepared for the City of Arden Hills by BRW, dated September 15, 1998, <br />analyzed potential additional developments that eould take place and still keep the <br />intersection of Round Lake Road and County Road 96 within design capacity, The <br />study concluded that an increase of 1,100 trips in the p.m, peak hour from the 52 <br />acres still undeveloped could be accommodated, An office development at the upper <br />end of the proposed range would generate only 750 trips, which is less than what was <br />anticipated as a maximum in the BRW study, <br /> <br />29. Cumulative Impacts. Minnesota Rule part 4410.1700, subpart 7, item B requires that the RGU <br />consider the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects" when <br />determining the need for an environmental impact statement. Identify any past, present or <br />reasonably foreseeable future projects that may interact with the project described in this EAW in <br />such a sway as to cause cumulative impacts. Describe the nature of the cumulative impacts and <br />summarize any other available information relevant to determining whether there is potential for <br />significant environmental effects due to cumulative impacts (or discuss each cumulative impact <br />under appropriate item(s) elsewhere on this form). <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Page 28 <br />