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<br />December 1999 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Wetland Delineation Report <br />Sunde Engineering, Inc. <br />Northeast of 1-35W and 1-694 <br />Proposed Development Area <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota <br /> <br />Introduction <br /> <br />The purpose of this study was to investigate the project area, identify areas <br />meeting the technical criteria for wetlands, delineate the jurisdictional <br />extent of the wetland basins and classify the wetland habitat. This field <br />delineation will be the basis on which wetland impaets from the proposed <br />project will be determined. <br /> <br />This report describes the methodology and results of the field delineation a <br />performed on November 18-19, 1999. Figures referred to in the text are ., <br />included at the end of the report. <br /> <br />Site Description <br /> <br />The project site is loeated in the SW'A of Section 21 in Township 30 North, <br />Range 23 West in Ramsey County, Minnesota as shown on Figure 1. The <br />site is bounded on the north by IndustriaI Development, on the east by <br />horse pasture, on the west by 1-35W, and on the south by 1-694. <br /> <br />Wetland Delineation <br /> <br />Wetlands Definition <br /> <br />Wetlands are defined in the Federal Register (1982) as "areas that are <br />inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequeney and <br />duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do <br />support, a prevalenee of vegetation typieally adapted for life in saturated <br />soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and <br />similar areas." <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />A-SUNDE0001,OO <br />Page 1 <br />