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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Wetlands have three elements that must be present in order for the area <br />to be defined as a wetland as follows: <br /> <br />1. Greater than 50 pereent dominance of hydrophytic plant species. <br /> <br /> <br />2. A hydric soil substrate. <br /> <br /> <br />3. Wetland hydrology during the growing season. <br /> <br />Methodology <br /> <br />Wetlands Survey <br /> <br />Topographic maps, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviee National Wetland <br />Inventory (NWI) map, the Soil Survey for Washington and Ramsey <br />Counties, the Ramsey County hydric soils list and the Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources Protected Waters Inventory (PWI) map <br />were reviewed prior to visiting the site to loeate potential wetland <br />habitats. Figure 2 is a eopy of the NWI map and Figure 3 is a copy of the <br />soils map for the projeet area. These sources showed wetland areas that <br />were investigated in greater detail during the field delineation. <br /> <br />Field Procedures <br /> <br />The project site was examined on November 18-19, 1999 for areas meeting <br />wetland criteria in aecordanee with the Corps of Engineers Wetland <br />Delineation Manual (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987). The 1987 <br />Manual requires that soil inundation or saturation occurs within 18 inches <br />of the surfaee and that all three wetland parameters be present. <br /> <br />The Routine Oru;ite Determination Method (RODM) was applied.for this <br />delineation. Field notes, samples and photographs were taken at <br />representative loeatioru; in each wetland basin. Collected information was <br />transferred to RODM data sheets included in Appendix A Photographs <br />will be retained on file at SEH, Ine. <br /> <br />Wetland plant species nomenclature follows the National List (U.S. <br />Department of the Interior, 1988). Identifieation was aided when <br />neeessary with field guides for the region. <br /> <br />Soils were observed for hydrie soil charaeteristies. Soils were examined <br />in cores taken with a Model A Oakfield sampler. Cores were taken to a <br />depth necessary to confirm hydric soil characteristics, up to a maximum <br />depth of 24 inches, Soil color determinations were made using <br />MUNSELL Soil Color Charts (Kollmorgen Iru;truments Corporation, <br />1992). Site soil characteristics were compared to those mapped and <br />described in the Soil Survey for Washington and Ramsey Connties. <br /> <br />Subsurface wetland hydrology indieators were examined using the soil <br />cores and/or soil pits as deep as 18 inches to confirm soil saturation, <br /> <br />Sunde Engineering, Inc <br />Arden Hiils, Minnesota <br /> <br />A-SUNDE0001,OO <br />Page 2 <br />