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<br />Wetland boundaries were located and marked with sequentially-numbered, <br />30 ineh pin flags printed with 'WETLAND DELINEATION" to allow .. <br />for surveying and mapping, The wetland edge is considered the highest .. <br />extent of the wetland basin; areas above the boundary fail to meet the <br />three required wetland parameters while areas below the edge meet the <br />wetland parameters required by the field delineation methodology. <br /> <br />Sample points were established at representative Ioeations on each basin. <br />The data eollected at each sample point is included on the data sheets in <br />Appendix A The sample points bear the number of the nearest wetland <br />flag. A sample point on the upland side of the boundary ends in a "U", and <br />a sample point on the wetland side of the boundary ends in a "W". The <br />loeation of the delineated wetland boundaries were surveyed and mapped <br />by using a Trimble Pathfinder Pro XRS OPS Mapping System. The results <br />of the delineation are shown on Figure 4. <br /> <br />Wetland Classification <br /> <br />Classification of each wetland basin is included on the RODM data sheets <br />in Appendix A Wetland classification follows the methods described in <br />Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin, et. ai, <br />1979) and used by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland <br />Inventory. The Circular 39 classification (Shaw and Fredine, 1956) is also <br />provided. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Results <br /> <br />The field delineation was eonducted under temperature and preeipitation <br />eonditions that were slightly below normal as compared to the historical <br />average for the region. Oimatology data is included in Appendix B for the <br />East Central District of Minnesota. Most of the vegetation was <br />identifiable, including all dominant species. <br /> <br />Eight wetland basins were identified, delineated and classified. The <br />RODM Data Forms indicate the dominant speeies of vegetation and the <br />soil and hydrologic characteristics at representative locations around the <br />basin. Table 1 is a summary of the classification of the wetland basins. <br /> <br />Table 1 <br />Wetland Characteristics <br /> <br />Basin Cowardin Circular 39 <br />ID Classification Classification <br />1 PUBOx Municipal <br />2 PEMB Type 2 <br />3 PEMC Type 2/3 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Sunde Engineering, Inc <br />Arden HUIs, Minnesota <br /> <br />A-5UNDEOO01,OO <br />Page 3 <br />