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<br />City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy <br /> <br />Effective June 29, 2002 <br /> <br />OBLIGATION OF EMPLOYEES <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Employees arc not only encouraged to rcport instances of discrimination, harassment and <br />inappropriate behavior or potential discrimination, harassment and inappropriate behavior, <br />they are obligated to do so. Discrimination, harassment and inappropriate behavior expose <br />the City to liability and it is part of each employee's job to reduce the City's exposure to <br />liability. <br /> <br />Employees are obligated to cooperate in every investigation of discrimination, harassment <br />and/ or inappropriate behavior. This includes, but is not limited to, coming forward with <br />evidence which may be favorable or unfavorable to the accused person, as well as, fully and <br />truthfully making a written report or verbally answering questions when required to do so by <br />an investigator during the course of an investigation of discrimination, harassment and/ or <br />inappropriate behavior. <br /> <br />Employees are also obligated to refrain from filing bad faith complaints of discrimination, <br />harassment and/or inappropriate behavior. <br /> <br />Disciplinary action may also be taken against any employee who fails to report instances of <br />discrimination, harassment and/or inappropriate behavior or potential instances of . <br />discrimination, harassment and/or inappropriate behavior, or who fails or refuses to <br />cooperate in the investigation of a complaint of discrimination, harassment and/or <br />inappropriate behavior, or who f.tles a complaint of discrimination, harassment and/or <br />inappropriate behavior in bad faith. <br /> <br />RETALIATION <br /> <br />The city prohibits retaliation against the person making the complaint of discrimination, <br />harassment and/or inappropriate behavior, witnesses, or any other persons connected with <br />the investigation. Individuals who engage in retaliation will be subject to immediate discipline <br />up to and including termination. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />44 <br />