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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES <br />MARCH 18,2002 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Mayor Probst again rcaffirmed his confidence the money could be raised and what wasn't <br />raised would bc funded by the City. <br /> <br />Communitv Development <br /> <br />Planning/Zoning - TCAAP Developer Discussion - Probst recapped which devclopers <br />to date have made a prcscntation to Council for TCAAP rcdcvclopment. He also <br />indicated he has rcceived calls from W cis Builders and Ryan Companics but both <br />companies havc since changed their rninds. <br /> <br />Council agreed their next rcgular scssion on April 8, 2002, would be the last time <br />companies can prcsent their redevelopment plans to Council for possible partnering. <br />Council agreed they would make a decision by the end of April as to which developer <br />thcy would partncr with for TCAAP redevelopmcnt with the undcrstanding with the <br />dcvclopcr that thcy would not have sole right to dcvclop every acre of land. Hc indicated <br />if a developer was chosen and turned out to not meet thc nceds ofthc City, a diffcrcnt <br />developer can be sought. <br /> <br />Lynch reminded Council ofthc list they devclopcd of the preferred outcomes of the <br />TCAAP property and wondered if thcy would want to review this list again and confirm <br />these were truly the desircd outcomes. Council could then use this list when choosing a <br />dcveloper. Lynch will distribute this list to Council for their rcview. <br /> <br />Parrish will ask potential developers for past cxamplcs ofredcvelopmcnt projects and <br />also contact communities who have had public hcarings on developrnental projccts. <br /> <br />Rem voiced her concern that the TCAAP propcrty would truly be released. Probst <br />indicated his confidence is so strong bccause similar propertics are being released arOlmd <br />the country alrcady which is setting the preccdent. He also has confidence in the <br />dcvclopers becausc two developers have already put real money on the tablc. <br /> <br />Parrish noted he bclicved some type of a public hcaring where the residents could provide <br />some kind of input was a good idea. He indicated whcn Apache was remodclcd the <br />residents were brought together for thcir input and we could do something similar. <br />Parrish was requested to contact other citics that have been in similar situations and. <br /> <br />Operations & Maintenance Department <br /> <br />Comp Parks, Trails, & Open Space Plan and CIP Recommendation - Gregg <br />Ingraham of IngrahaIll and Associatcs highlighted the currcnt version of the Park Comp <br />Plan and indicated thc PTRC is asking for input from the Council for final approval and <br />direction. <br /> <br />The Park Comp Plan listed a $6.5 million figurc for fix up, fit up, and cxpansion of parks <br />and trail. Mayor Probst asked the committee how that figured was arrivcd. Crasswellcr <br />