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<br />Although useful, these findings needed to be supplemented with more <br />detailed land use and transportation analysis before subregional strate- <br />gies could be developed. The second year of the study was structured to <br />fill that need. Land use data were refined, two growth scenarios were <br />detailed to the next level of specificity, and a subarea travel demand model <br />was developed to analyze transportation impacts at the subregional and <br />local scales as well as the regional. <br /> <br />This report summarizes the land use and transportation analysis, find- <br />ings, conclusions and recommended next steps. These conclusions and <br />recommendations will be blended with findings from the housing demo- <br />graphics analysis to structure a framework for action, which will bring <br />the subregional growth study to completion. <br /> <br />land Use and Transportation Analysis <br />The land use and transportation component of the buildout study was <br />designed to investigate the impacts of different growth scenarios on the <br />transportation system and the subregional relationship between land use <br />and travel patterns. The Coalition study, which focused on public transit <br />and the minor arterial network, was coordinated with a study of regional <br />network impacts, which was funded by the Minnesota Department of <br />Transportation. <br /> <br />A subarea travel demand model compared two subregional growth sce- <br />narios for 2020. The subarea model, which runs inside the Twin Cities <br />regional model, contains enhancements which refine the zone structure <br />(84 TAZs were subdivided into 371 subTAZs), improve sensitivity param- <br />eters to better represent activity inside mixed-use centers, and add local <br />roadway network detail. The following indicators were used to assess the <br />impacts of each growth scenario on the transportation system: <br />. trip generation <br />. mode choice (auto, transit, walk) <br />. average trip length <br />. vehicle miles traveled (VMT) <br /> <br />There were two runs of the model (see diagram on the opposite page). <br />The first run assumed only those transportation system modifications <br />stated in current policy documents of the Metropolitan Council and the <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation. The second run used a modi- <br />fied Coalition growth scenario (2.5a) and two variations of the transpor- <br />tation system: 2.5b-more roadway network than current policy documents <br />indicate; and 2.Sc-the additional roadway network added for 2.5b plus <br />enhanced transit service. Results from these runs were compared and used <br />to develop recommended next steps. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />