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<br />- <br /> <br />Page 2 <br />September 25,2002 <br />Planning Case #02-20 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3. Recommend denial. If the City denies the petitioners request, " must state in <br />writing the reasons for the denial at the time that it denies the request". <br />4. Table for additional information. <br /> <br />Plannina Commission Recommendation <br /> <br />In Planning Case #02-20, the Planning Commission recommends that the proposed <br />Master and Final Plan Planned Unit Development amendments be approved with the <br />following conditions: <br /> <br />1. On-street parking not be allowed and be removed from plan. <br /> <br />2. The Developer work with City staff regarding the requirements of the <br />neighborhood business district to come to a development resolution that takes <br />into consideration the neighborhood business district requirements <br />understanding this is a PUD, but that they pay special attention to the buffer zone <br />specifically on the north and the east side of the property, and they try to meet <br />the full intent of the buffer zone. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />To address the second condition, the applicant has submitted a revised landscape and <br />site plan. As the applicant's letter indicates, the building on the revised site plan has <br />been moved approximately 4.5 feet to the south. The landscape plan has been <br />modified in the following manner: <br /> <br />1. On the northern border of the property, six linden trees have replaced six river <br />birch trees. Both are deciduous trees that do not retain their leafage through the <br />winter months. <br /> <br />2. Two additional linden trees have been added on the northern portion of the site <br />where sod had previously existed. <br /> <br />Based on discussion at the Planning Commission meeting, it is staff's interpretation that <br />the revised landscape plan does not meet the requirements outlined in the second <br />condition. From staff's perspective, this condition would be more appropriately met by <br />placing a screen wall of Arborvitae on the entire northern border of the property and a <br />portion of the eastern border. If the PUD amendment were to be approved, this is the <br />screening preference of the neighbors to the north. However, it should be noted that <br />the neighbors proximate to the site are generally not in favor of the PUD amendment. <br />Fact sheets for both Linden and Arborvitae have been included for your reference. <br /> <br />. <br />