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<br />LAURENCE M. NELSON <br />1909 - 2000 <br /> <br />STEPHEN L. NELSON & ASSOCIATES <br /> <br />ATIORNEYS AT LAW <br />665 NORD I SNELLING AVENUE <br />SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104-1893 <br />(651) 646-5000 <br />Fax (651) 642.2619 <br /> <br />LEGAL ASSISTANT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />STEPHEN L NELSON <br /> <br />SHARON E. LYNCH <br /> <br />September 25, 2002 <br /> <br />Mr. Aaron Parrish, City Planner <br />c/o Arden Hills City Hall <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5794 <br /> <br />Re: Applicant: Aaron S. Nelson <br />Property Address: 3130 North Cleveland Avenue <br />Application for Master PUD and Site Plan Review <br /> <br />Dear Aaron: <br /> <br />. Enclosed herewith please find the following documents: <br /> <br />I. A reduced revised site plan; and <br /> <br />2. A reduced Landscape Plan. <br /> <br />The changes to the site plan include moving the building approximately 4' 6" to the south so we are <br />at the minimum from the south line. The homes to the north are all buffered by a fair amount of <br />distance from their homes and most of them have garages that are adjacent to the common boundary. <br />The only additional office spaee which has increased on the north side is one office on the second <br />floor and with the narrowing of the building and the placement of the stairwell, there actually is an <br />overall reduction of office area on the north side of the building. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The north boundary was the biggest concern raised at the planning commission meeting. I just <br />received the landscape plan so I have only briefly glanced at it while it was being reduced. The two <br />trees from the island have been moved to the north side. There are some spacing issues with respect <br />to the trees on the north side and some biodiversity considerations which may suggest some changes <br />to the type of the trees along the north boundary. The landscape architect chose American Lynden <br />trees instead of swamp white oak which I had requested. The reason was that they are more dense <br />crown but they also lose their leaves. The swamp white oak will retain their leaves some winters <br />which would give some additional buffer during the winter. The additional trees are shown very <br />close and I personally would like to space them out a little more so as they mature they have room <br />to fill out the full crown. I probably would also like to substitute a clump of river birch trees near <br />the trees to be placed closest to the culvert on the west side and maybe alternate types of trees. <br />Since I was not given a chance to review this plan before filing some of my ideas were not <br />incorporated. <br />