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<br />-............- '- <br /> <br />Mr. Aaron Parrish <br />September 25, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Two other items. The fence along the north boundary is not shown on this plan. For some unknown <br />reason the fence did not print. The fence will be the same as previously proposed on the last plan <br />ai1d will run from the west end of the arborvitae to the west end of the lot. The second item is that <br />along the north boundary of the parking lot there will be planted perennial plants such as hostas or <br />some other type of low maintenance plants. <br /> <br />The more I have investigated trees the more I have learned about need to diversifY the trees. It is <br />recornmendedthat the same trees notl3e used adjacent to each other so that you will not lose all of <br />the trees in the event of a disease. <br /> <br />A couple of passing thoughts. The area on the north is difficult due to the need to allow water <br />drainage for all homes in the neighborhood, not just our development. The type of trees proposed <br />can withstand high concentrations of water and extremely moist soils. The trees are all deciduous <br />because the area on the north will have very moist soils and there will be a need to have some snow <br />storage in this area. Very few coniferous trees can stand extremely moist soils. Also, the <br />placement of snow up against coniferous trees will harm and damage the lower branches. <br /> <br />All three of the homes have garages tat back up to the north common boundary line. Mr. McGuire's . <br />second detached garage is at least 30+' long and blocks most of his property from our land. The <br />other two homes also have fairly large garages and/or breeze ways. I believe that the Mr. McGuire <br />purchased his house after the preliminary PUD had been approved. The preliminary PUD contained <br />only a 10' setback between on the north adjacent to the parking lot. Thus, if Mr. McGuire had <br />investigated he would have known what was proposed before he purchased the property. <br /> <br />We feel that this is an excellent project which will be very compatible with the neighborhood. Upon <br />completion of the project, it will be a tremendous improvement to the comer and will hopefully bring <br />in some new businesses that will benefit and serve 0 mmunity. <br /> <br /> <br />SLN/sln <br />cc: Burce Caulfield <br /> <br />SLN\Blair\NewBldg\ParAar02.ltr <br /> <br />. <br />