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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Mr. Parrish explained the difference between a PUD and a neighborhood business . <br />district. <br /> <br />Shawn Kennedy, 620 Cleveland A venue, stated he was looking into moving into this <br />community and expressed concern about the City not taking the concerns of the <br />neighbors seriously. He stated this development would not benefit the neighborhood. He <br />expressed concern about the increased traffic. He stated this intersection was very <br />congested and there were children and elderly in the area and expressed concern for their <br />safety. He stated he was not opposed to development and there was nothing wrong with <br />developing property, but it should fit the needs and concerns of the already existing <br />neighborhood. He stated Mr. Nelson has not paid attention to the concerns of the <br />residents. He stated things would benefit him, but there was no benefit to the neighbors. <br />He stated he did not believe decks were necessary on an office building. He stated the <br />proposed decks would be obtrusive to the neighbors and they would lose their privacy. <br /> <br />Mr. Clyborne stated he would be willing to take a survey of residents in the area to see if <br />they would use the services proposed for this development. <br /> <br />Mr. McGuire requested an official traffic study for this corner to see what the impact of <br />this development would be with respect to traffic. He noted all of the homes in the area <br />were one-story homes. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson replied changes were difficult and development was hard to accept, but this <br />would be an office building that would be used 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday <br />with limited use on the weekends. He stated the purpose of the building would be for <br />people to work and not lounge around on the decks. He stated there would be a solid <br />wall on the decks. With respect to the screening, they had spoken to the neighbor to the <br />east to find out what type of screening they wanted. He stated the west would not support <br />arborvitaes. He stated his architect was recommending River Birch. He stated they <br />would plant 10-12 feet trees and they grew fast, up to 50 feet. He stated his proposed <br />tenants were lawyers, accountants, dentist, and a sales representative. He stated the <br />storage were for files. He stated they were only requesting small amendments, which <br />was to size. He stated the gentlemen who had his home appraised and indicated they <br />offering $20,000.00 less than the appraisal, had his appraisal go to the middle of the <br />street. When the appraisal was reworked to end at the property line, it indicated a fair <br />value of $146,000.00. He stated the gentlemen turned down that proposal and stated he <br />wanted over $190,000.00 for his property. He explained where the drainage would flow <br />and stated an engineer had looked at this. He stated parking on the west side of <br />Cleveland was in New Brighton and they had no control over parking in that area. He <br />noted they had looked into the VPIC plan and did know what to do with any <br />contaminated soil that was found. With respect to the location of the trash, they had <br />never had a problem with odors. He stated they would recycle. He indicated there would <br />be no restaurant in the building, so there would be limited food in the trash containers. <br />He indicated the landscaping would be very nice and they had worked hard on a <br />landscape plan attempting to take everyone's concerns into consideration. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke inquired about the existing fence along the lot line. Mr. Nelson <br />stated the current fence would come down and they would need to address snow issues. <br />He stated he would be willing to put a berm in, but this would create drainage problems <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />