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CCP 09-30-2002
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CCP 09-30-2002
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />and he would not take responsibility for any drainage problems for the neighbors if he <br />was required to put in a berm. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked about the location of the trash containers. Mr. Nelson replied <br />the area they chose for the trash containers would be the least obtrusive and most <br />convenient area on the site. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if the tenants would have any lunch room area for their <br />employees. Mr. Nelson stated it would be up to the tenants if they wanted a break room, <br />but there was no plan at this time for one. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke stated it was very common for tenants to want decks for cook outs <br />and after work parties. She asked if there were any covenants proposed. Mr. Nelson <br />replied he did not believe his insurance company would allow grills on the decks and this <br />was a non-smoking building. He stated he would not be opposed to covenants. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if they had considered non-functional decks. Mr. Nelson <br />decks enhanced the value of the property. He stated they would be willing to make the <br />decks non-smoking. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke stated the new design did not appear to be as pleasing as the <br />original design and asked if they gave up something by the new design and asked if a <br />smaller square footage area would work. Mr. Nelson replied the building was designed <br />and laid out to accommodate four tenants. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if the storage area would be used to store other things other <br />than paper. Mr. Nelson stated he might store his boat or other items in the storage area <br />and this had been addressed previously. He stated there would be one light in the ramp <br />area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if the ramp led to a garage door. Mr. Nelson replied it did <br />and that had not changed from the original proposal. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke asked if they had looked at adding additional lighting by the ramp <br />area. Mr. Nelson replied the lighting they were proposing was sufficient and any further <br />lighting would intrude upon the neighborhood more. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated stucco was not an allowable building material for a <br />neighborhood business district. He agreed with Commissioner Ricke that this new design <br />had lost some of the appeal of the original design. Mr. Nelson replied stucco was more <br />of a residential look than brick and would fit into the neighborhood better. <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if they had given thought to additional landscaping, even though he did <br />realize they were over what was required by the City. He asked how many ofthe existing <br />trees there now along the east side would stay. Mr. Nelson stated most of the trees were <br />oriental elm, cottonwood, ash, willows and they were told that they were not worth <br />saving, and they were better off taking them all out and starting over with appropriate <br />trees. <br />
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