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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />August 27, 2002 <br />Planning Case #02-20 <br /> <br />See the attached memo provided to the City Council in conjunction with the original <br />request for additional information. Subsequent to this approval, the applicant has <br />identified several changes to the previous proposal for the Commission's consideration. <br /> <br />PUD Amendments <br /> <br />See the attached narrative statement from the applicant outlining the PUD Amendments <br />being requested. Generally speaking, they can be broken down into the following <br />areas: <br /> <br />Footprint <br /> <br />The applicant is requesting that the footprint of the building be revised from 6,264 <br />square feet down to 5,458 square feet. The depth has been reduced while the width <br />has slightly increased. This change keeps the building within the applicable setbacks. <br />The overall building square footage has increased from 8900 square feet to 10,279 <br />square with the expansion of the partial second story. This is discussed further below. <br /> <br />Parking <br /> <br />The Zoning Ordinance requires 1 parking space for every 250 square feet of gross floor <br />area. With 10,279 gross square feet of office being proposed in the amendment, it is <br />necessary to provide 41 spaces to meet the code requirement. The applicant is <br />proposing 45 total spaces. The following table summarizes the provision of parking on <br />the site: <br /> <br /> <br />Pro osed Parkin <br />45 S aces <br /> <br />In addition, the site plan reflects the applicants desire to have on-street parking on <br />Cleveland Avenue and County Road D. These spaces are located within Ramsey <br />County right-of-way. However, it appears as if Ramsey County defers to municipalities <br />on this issue. From staffs perspective, while it may be appropriate to have on street <br />parking in certain areas, this particular area would appear to be problematic for two <br />reasons. First, all of the stalls are proximate to a four way signalized intersection. <br />Second, the right-of-way provides an additional green buffer around the property to <br />compensate for the reduced parking setbacks along Cleveland and County Road D <br />(generally 16 feet where 20 feet is required). <br /> <br />Building Design <br />