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<br />. <br /> <br />III. Goals and Evaluation Criteria <br /> <br />In Chapters I and D of this report, a picture of current (1995) conditions was presented and assesoeA These two chapters <br />provide a snapshot ofTCAAP at roughly the time of its excessing by the federnl goveromenl <br /> <br />The next 1ogica1 step in the planning program was to deternrine what the community wants TCAAP to be in the future. This <br />type of goa1-setting was essential to provide guidance to the preparation of alternate reuse plans and development of reuse <br />policies. <br /> <br />A. Goals For Reuse of TeAAP <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Prior to developing alternate plans for TCAAP, the Task Force and City Counci1 engaged in a visioning exeroise. This <br />exercise explored five critical questions: <br />(1) What are the best things about Arden Hills? These might be the reasons you moved here, of qualities you <br />admire, or what is unique and positive. <br />(2) What are the worst things about Arden Hills? These items might be things that are lacking. of poor quality, or <br />worrisome for the future (e.g.. stagnant lax base). <br />(3) What's your vision ofTCAAP, 20 years from now? What qualities should it have? What should it .eprescnt to <br />the City of Arden Hills? Examples might include 'a new type of community". 'a major lax generator", 'a <br />regional recreational center", etc. <br />(4) What goals must be set if we are to achieve the vision?For example, if one vision ofTCAAP is "a regional <br />recreation center". appropriate goals might include setting aside a large amount of open space, selling up a <br />system of greenways for trails, working with the MN Amateur Sports Commission and/or Ramsey County <br />Parks, etc. <br />(5) What ideas do you have that might help the City achieve its vision? To return to the "recreation center" vision, <br />ideas might include cross-country skilbike trails throughout the site, !Ill equestrian center, a speed-skating rink, <br />a hockey arena, or many other items. <br /> <br />The outcomes of this exercise were combined with ideas for resolving site-based issues and with professional planning <br />judgment to create a draft list ofTCAAP reuse goals. Over the course of three Task Force meetings, these goals wererefined <br />into the list that appears here. <br /> <br />Land Use <br /> <br />Ui Create identifiable neighborhoods and neighborhood units. Discourage creation of'walled" and otherwise exclusive <br />neigbbodwods. <br /> <br />-\-- U2 Encourage construction of a variety of housing types, particularly those not readily available within the community <br />now (e.g.. starter housing and housing for seniors), for households with a wide range of incomes. <br />'. <br /> <br />Comiros, Lt4.ISEH, IncJUfDL. LId. <br /> <br />TCAAP Fr""""""* Plan <br /> <br />Chapterl11 Pap 1 <br />