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CCP 10-28-2002
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CCP 10-28-2002
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<br />?t U3 Encourage mixed, multiple and shared uses and bUildings (e.8-, of parking facilities) when possible and when this . <br />will reduce public costs and ground coverage by impervious swfaces. <br /> <br />14- U4 Create retail. residential and mixed-use areas that are pedestrian- and bicyc1e-<>>iented and minimi?e vehicular <br />traffic. <br /> <br />US Create an identifiable community core consisting of public uses, which may include a new city ball, public worlcs <br />garage, community center and such cultural facilities as a natwl: center, librlll)' or historical museum, .as well as <br />appropriate private uses. If a school will be needed on the TCAAP property, site it within or adjacent to this core. <br /> <br />i\-u' Establish a development pattern that can be readily served by public transportation. <br /> <br />U7 When reviewing development proposa1s, consider them as part of Arden Hills as a whole rather than as stand-alone <br />schemes. Make sure that new developments integrate with and complement existing development, particularly <br />adjacent uses. Balance existing land-use deficiencies by setting aside space for needed facilities. <br /> <br />US Accommodate qualified Federal uses in a manner that maximizes the long-term value of the site. <br /> <br />Transportation and Infrastructure <br /> <br />Tt Design and build an inlema1 system of roads that promotes desirable development patterns, is transit-friendly, and <br />\inks TCAAP to the rest of Arden Hills and adjacent communities as weJl as to the regional transportation system. <br /> <br />7\ <br />~ <br /> <br />n Encourage use of alternate travel modes. such as biking and walking. by creating pedestrian-friendly environ""",t. <br />and linking activity centers with trails and other non-vehicular routes. <br /> <br />T3 Reserve sufficient areas and corridors for community infrastructure, including water and sewer service, roads and <br />streets, parks and (if needed) schools. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />T4 Reuse existing on-site infrastructure to the extent that this is practical and cost-effective. <br /> <br />7< T5 Develop a stormwater management master plan for the site that takes advantage of and enhances such natural and <br />man-made assets as existing wetlands and the gravel pit <br /> <br />Open Sptu:e and Recreation <br /> <br />f <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />As used in these goals. "open space" means any undeveloped area characterized by vegetative cover or open water, or a <br />deYeIoped area set aside exclusively for pedestrian use. Open space may include meadows, prairies. forested areas, marshes <br />and other wetlands. lakes and ponds. creeks and river corridors, lands needing special protection (e.g., steep slopes and <br />wildlife habitat), sports playing fields (e.8-, golf courses, soccer fields, etc.), trails and trail corridors, cemeteries. plazas, <br />public 'gardens, amphitheaters, and other 1arge, unobstructed areas. <br /> <br />~ Rt Provide a balance of active and passive public open spaces that respect and take advantage of natoraI site <br />topography and features. <br /> <br />7\ R2 Develop pedestrian and bike trails lbroughout the site and link them to other trail systems, both within and beyond <br />Arden Hills. Connect the Rice Creek corridor through the site. <br /> <br />R3 Provide for a mix of public recreation types, including adequate neighborhood parks. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cmoirw, Ltd./SEH. J.c.ILHDL. LId. <br /> <br />7t:MPFr_P/an <br /> <br />eMpt., JJJ PDg< 2 <br />
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