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<br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The judgment of the Council has been to adopt the choice <br />recommended by Mr. Christoffersen - that is, partly force <br />main because without a force main, the property to the west <br />could not have been served. It's at a lower elevation than <br />the distance of the previously existing sanitary line, which <br />goes to the point which is indicated on Mr. Reiling's proposed <br />plat as the north/south street at the left end, or the left <br />end of the horseshoe. That's where the main comes at the <br />present time. As I said, originally Mr. Christoffersen <br />apparently recommended assessing Mr. Reiling for the area of <br />the force main as well, but that apparently changed and at <br />the present time he is only proposed to be assessed for the <br />area that fronts on the gravity section of the line. <br /> <br />It is his position - and we believe that we can substan- <br />tiate it - it's his position that there is no economic <br />benefit - or very little economic benefit - to his property. <br />It's a matter of equity and it's a matter of judgment. Mr. <br />Christoffersen's judgment is apparently that Mr. Reiling is <br />benefitted. Mr. Christoffersen obviously is no expert on <br />real estate values and he 'is simply making a judgment call. <br />We feel, under these circumstances - and as illustrated by <br />Mr. Reiling's proposed plat - and he's told you this before - <br />I'm not going to harp on it - but it has little or no <br />benefit. In other words, no increase in the value to his <br />property by reason of extending this main to the property to <br />the west that wanted and needed it. You could have done it <br />for a more economic price had you gone force main the entire <br />distance, but you chose not to do that. This didn't benefit <br />Mr. Reiling and you would have had no benefit had it been <br />force main all the way, but apparently - in a desire to <br />spread the cost - Mr. Reiling's property was included. <br /> <br />We also object to the fact that the property to the <br />south, across Red Fox Road, could also be serviced by this <br />particular main. At the present time, they're serviced by <br />the north/south main - the one that Mr. Reiling proposes to <br />use. We find it difficult to understand how Mr. Christoffersen - <br />in his judgment - can state that Mr. Reiling's property is <br />benefitted but the International Paper Company's property to <br />the south is not benefitted. Its improvements are set back <br />from the road a sufficient distance - additional buildings <br />could be built on the south side of Red Fox Road and tied <br />into this by either open trench or jacking under the street. <br />In other words, it would have a potential benefit. We feel <br />it has at least an economic benefit in an equal amount or <br />greater than that benefitting Mr. Reiling'S property. <br /> <br />So for all of those reasons, members of the Council, we <br />respectfully object to the proposed assessment and, as I <br />said, we have filed our objection for the record. I think <br />you all understand the principles of this assessment very <br />well and I think Judge Popovich has very ably stated the <br />economic and legal principles involved. If you have any <br />questions, we'll be happy to try to answer them at this time. <br /> <br />-4- <br />