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<br />I <br />Ie <br />I <br />'. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />-- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Mitil!ation <br /> <br />Guidant has worked with MnlDOT, Ramsey County and the Cities of Arden Hills and <br />Shoreview to identifY appropriate roadway improvements to mitigate for traffic impacts <br />that may result from the three stages of development (Phases I, II and III) planned as part of <br />the Guidant Campus expansion. These improvements are identified in the Mitigation Plan <br />included in Appendix E. The Mitigation Plan also identifies the timing and financial <br />responsibility of proposed improvements. <br /> <br />Travel Demand Manal!ement <br /> <br />In addition to the roadway improvements identified in the Mitigation Plan, included in <br />Appendix E, Guidant Corporation is also working with Metro Commuter Services to <br />identifY Travel Demand Management (TDM) measures that can help to minimize the <br />number of trips generated by the proposed development. As part of this process, a <br />commuter survey was distributed to all Guidant employees at the Arden Hills campus to <br />collect data to identifY current commuter routes and practices, interest in alternatives to <br />driving alone, attractiveness of incentives for using alternative modes of travel, and other <br />issues that will influence the effectiveness of TDM measures that will be successful in <br />reducing site-generated trips during the peak hour. The commuter survey was distributed <br />to 2,686 Guidant employees and a 62 percent response rate was obtained. <br /> <br />The results of the survey identified the following information about the Guidant Campus <br />and its employees. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The average one-way commute distance is 16.3 miles and the average one-way <br />commute time is 26 minutes. <br /> <br />No employees surveyed are currently using transit. <br /> <br />Few Guidant employees are lmowledgeable about transit routes (only 30 percent can <br />idcntify the transit stop location). <br /> <br />Almost 50 percent of those that drive alone would be willing to try car/vanpooling_ <br /> <br />Almost 50 percent of the employees responded that they could vary their work hours. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Based on this survey, Guidant is continuing to work with Metro Commutcr Scrvices to <br />develop TDM strategies that Guidant can implement and promote to their employees. <br />Potential TDM measures being considered include: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Car/vanpooling, including preferential parking spaces <br /> <br />Flexible work schedulcs <br /> <br />Providing a display of commuter information for employccs, including information on <br />rideshare, transit schedules and bicycling commuting routes <br /> <br />Designation of a Commuter Benefits Coordinator (CBC), a current staff member in <br />Human Resources or Facilities Management who can work with new and existing <br />employccs as a source for commuting services and materials <br /> <br />Sell transit passes on the Guidant Campus <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Guidant Campus Master Plan <br />Final ADAR and Mitigation Plan <br /> <br />- 40- <br /> <br />January 2003 <br />