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<br /> <br />\,{lnr1<>('U DCp~lrtll"':ll1 1.'[ '\,Jtur,d R;::w.;I...> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Honowble Dennis Pro[)st <br />Arden Hills City Counci I <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hins, MN. 55112 <br /> <br />Decem[)er [0, 2002 <br /> <br />reo "The 49 acte wildlife conidor and the amendment to the Rice Creek Norrh Re~iQnal Trad <br />MastlJr Plan <br /> <br />Dear Mayor Probst and City Counci I membets, <br /> <br />As you know, The Department of Natural Resources supporo the amendment proposed by <br />Ramsey County to inchlde the 49 acre wildlife conidor within the boundaries of the Rice Creek <br />North Regional "Trail conidot'. We are very appreciarive of the suppon this proposal has recel ved <br />to date from b0:J'h the Arden Hills Parks and Trails COmmillee and the Planning Committee. We <br />IDok forward to the City's approval of the proposed amendment <br /> <br />In (lIe CoUrtty's Propi:l~ed Mvmdment to rhe RlciI Creek North Regional Trail Master Plan . <br />curt'elldybe(dI'e the CilyCOultCiI, the 49 a.cre canidor is presel\ted as two parcels referred was <br />pattel C and I'arcel D. Parcel D is imended to depict that portion of the 4'hcres which is the <br />Amy's site C COlltjUTtination site, !t has beell brought to our attention that there is some <br />cbnfusion sUlTOUtldirtg the ~ll$Ons for separating the two parcels. <br /> <br />In the teXt of the CQllnt)' ~ (see second paragraph on page 2) it says the following... <br />''The ~.ofctlntlll1';~ation (Parcel D) will be remediated by the U,S. Department of the Army in <br />aceorna.nce with thlI-stanlilatds agreed upon by the Army.and tbe Environmental ProtectiOl1 <br />Agency. Activities. ~ underWay to cleanup contaminants on ths site." Indeed. Rumsey County <br />and the DNRltave belen talking with the MN. POllution Control Agency regarditlg the beSt way to <br />clean the site'fu order to assure that'site C (parcel D) can ultimately serve the functions of the <br />wildlife cotriQbr, <br /> <br />The itltertt \>ftheCounty's two parcels approach is that the Coutlty would receive lnlnSfer of <br />Parcel C (the cl~ ponion) through the National Parli: Services's Lands to Parks Program early <br />in the land transfer process. Meatlwhile Parcel D (site C) would be retained [)y the federal <br />govemrpem with the Army doing the cleanup until finished to Record of DecISIon stJ.ndurds. <br />Once the cleanup is accomplislled to meet, at a minimum. Record of DeCISion cmeno. Ii "ould <br />then be transferred directly to the County <br /> <br />^" Equ:LI Opl>Ot1unity am~IQyer <br />Who Values Di'lmit)' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />DNR h\fonnation: 65i.296.6157 . 1.888.646,6367 . T1"Y: 65i-296.5484 . I.."" '." ".,;q <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />Prinled Ot\ P1ecyded Paptr Car1lall"l'I'I(j :l <br />Mil"\l1'1"lUtft (l.t 10-;'. Post-C<!Mtllner WJ':i~~ <br />