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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cle:;ri; ~hen. it would nOI fall to ,he City to clean site C. The land would end up,;tth :he County <br />cieUf\ed to J standard suttable for a wildlife and recreation corridor, thus fulfilling the vtston of <br />,he Vemo Plan for a connection between Rice Creek and the future regional park reserve. <br /> <br />In order that the federal government retain resllonsibili.ty to complete cleanup of SIte C, It is <br />necessary that the -1-9 acres !lot be inclu~d in. the l:mdSdesignated fro Early Transfer AUlhonty. <br />We note In the City's proposed tener IQ Q8A asking to InJctlate the Early Transfer Authonty thai <br />such an e:ltentption of the 49 acres has not been Co.rtsi~red. <br /> <br />We are seeking your he,lp in obtaining an exemption of tbe 49 acre Wildlife comdor from the <br />Early TransfetAlIthQnty so that tbe cleanup can be. accomplisbed by the Army to their credit J n <br />the public interest of establishitrg the wildlifecotndl'lr. It wbuld be most effecllve If such a <br />request is i nclllded by the City of Arden Hills in their letter to GSA. <br /> <br />Thank you for your ctmsiderlltion Of this apptoal:h. Please let me k!'loW how we might conti nue <br />tocooperate to achieve the Vento Plan ViSIon for TCAAP. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />? ;({Lhd~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Kathleen A. Wallace <br />Regional Directot <br /> <br />cc: Cong;resswQl11.a~~tty McCollUm <br />Greg Mack. ~amseyCotlnty Parks and~ecreation ~partlnent <br /> <br />, <br />