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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />.. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />f <br />I <br /> <br />6. The Guidant Corporation recently acquired both the Control Data property to its east and <br />the Nestle's property to the northwest to accommodate the corporations' pressing growth <br />experienced today and anticipated in the future. One of the many considerations for . <br />purchasing the additional acreage and proposing campus expansion in this location, was <br />the opportunity to construct necessary office and parking space on-site. Off-site parking <br />would not utilize the existing campus acreage or benefit the Guidant employees and thus <br />off-site parking is not being considered. <br /> <br />7. The Guidant Campus Expansion will maintain the natural landscape/buffer surrounding <br />the 92.7-acre campus. This vegetated buffer will be further enhanced as part of the <br />campus expansion through the planting of additional deciduous, overstory, and coniferous <br />trees all along the west and northwestern portion of the site. These plantings will be <br />included in Guidant's landscape plan to be reviewcd in accordance with 1-1 zoning <br />requirements through the City of Arden Hill's Planned Unit Development process. The <br />City of Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance requires landscaping to be maintained in <br />accordance with Section 6D.l(d) and 6F.1(a) of the zoning ordinance. The visual buffer <br />described in Item 26 of the AUAR will be maintained under this ordinance. <br /> <br />8. The 2002 background traffic (traffic not associated with the Guidant Campus) could be <br />expected to grow 2 percent annually for 3 years. A 2 percent annual growth rate is <br />reasonable based on historical traffic counts in the metropolitan area that show similar <br />ratcs. Any increase in employment would be considered part of the Build scenario. The <br />No-Build scenario assumcs Guidant maintains existing levels of employment. <br /> <br />9. The trip generation rates shown in Tables 2 and 3 show peak hour trip generation rates. <br />These rates are for the A.M. pcak hour (7:30 - 8:30 a.m.) and the P.M. peak hour <br />(4:30 - 5:30 p.m. only. Ten to twenty percent of Guidant employees are either 2nd or <br />3rd shift employees and would arrive/depart at off-peak hours. As with any workplace, <br />all employees do not arrive within a single hour of the morning. Some Guidant <br />employees arrive as early as 6 a.m. and othcrs do not arrive until 9 or lO a.m. <br /> <br />10. As part of the traffic analysis, traffic counts were collected at all entrances to the existing <br />Guidant site and used to calculatc trip generation rates for 2002. These trip generation <br />rates were compared to the ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) trip generation <br />rates. The trip generation for the existing Guidant site was found to match the average <br />ITE rates very closely. As such, the ITE trip generation ratcs for general office building <br />were used in forecasting future (2005 and 2020 peak hour volumes on the site. For a <br />general office building, the ITE trip generation manual jists an average trip rate per <br />employee in the a.m, peak hour as 0.48 trips per employee with a directional distribution <br />of 88 percent inbound and l2 percent outbound. These rates arc dctermined from over <br />l60 traffic studies conducted throughout the United States. Based on these rates, <br />80 percent of the campus parking spaces would not be filled by traffic generated during <br />the A.M. peak (7:30 - 8:30 a.m.). <br /> <br />GuiJant Campus Master Plan <br />Responses to Comments <br /> <br />- 10- <br /> <br />January 2003 <br />