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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Ie <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />{' <br />I <br /> <br />DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN <br /> <br />1.0 INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />This Mitigation Plan is a part of the Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review ("Final AUAR") <br />for Guidant Campus Master Plan prepared by Guidant Corporation and reviewed by the City of <br />Arden Hills ("City," the Regulatory Governmental Unit (RGU)) as a substitute form of <br />environmental review pursuant to Minn. Rules, PI. 441O.36l0. The Final AUAR identified the <br />impacts anticipated to result from the development planned for the geographic area within which <br />the Final AUAR applies. The Mitigation Plan identifies the mitigation measures that will be <br />followed by the proposer (the Guidant Corporation) and/or other responsible parties and <br />reviewed by the City to avoid and mitigate potential environmental impacts. <br /> <br />The Mitigation Plan was prepared in accordance with Minnesota Environmental Quality Board <br />Environmental Review Program, Minnesota Rules 44 10.3610 and the Minnesota Environmental <br />Quality Board memorandum entitled, Recommended Content and Format - Alternative Urban <br />Areawide Review Documents, dated October 2000. This plan addresses the mitigation methods <br />to be implemented for impacts that could result from the study area devclopment scenario <br />examined in this AUAR. <br /> <br />The Final AUAR determined that the following development-related impacts require <br />implementation of mitigation measures to avoid or mitigate potential environmental impacts: <br />wildlife/ecologically sensitive resources, physical impacts on water resources, erosion and <br />sedimentation, water quality-surface water runoff, traffic and visual. The sections below <br />summarize potential environmental impacts and the mitigation measures proposed to be <br />implemented to avoid, minimize or compensate for these impacts. Each section also includes <br />information concerning the agency or agencies involved in review, approval or implementation <br />of spccific mitigation measures; the time frames for implcmcnting mitigation measures; and the <br />party or parties with financial responsibility for impjementing mitigation measures. <br /> <br />2.0 RESPONSIBLE PARTIES <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills is the RGU for preparing and adopting the Final AUAR and Mitigation <br />Plan. The City is also the governmental unit with the greatest responsibility for supervising or <br />approving development within the geographic area as a whole. The City's review and approval <br />of the proposers' Planned Unit Devejopment (PUD) Pennit and Development Agrcement is thc <br />primary local government mechanism for ensuring compliancc with the mitigation measures <br />identified in this Mitigation Plan. City approval of the development agreement for the Guidant <br />Campus Master Plan also involves reaching agreement with the proposcrs rcgarding plan <br />elements to avoid or minimize potential environmental impacts and financial and regulatory <br />assurances that the Mitigation Plan will be implemented. In addition, the City will inspect the <br />dcvelopment as it is constructed, or will, through other means, asccrtain that the prescribed <br /> <br />Ci-uidant Campus Master Plan <br />Final Mitigation Plan <br /> <br />-1- <br /> <br />January 2003 <br />