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<br />'JAN-lS-03 18,27 FROM:GSA PROPERTY O]SPOSAL <br /> <br />]0:6175655720 <br /> <br />PAGE <br /> <br />2/3 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />GSA New England Region <br /> <br />January l6, 2003 <br /> <br />Joseph P. Lynch <br />City Administrator <br />City of Arden Hills <br />l245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5794 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Lynch: <br /> <br />Thank you for your letter requesting clarification and information regarding the <br />divestiture of the Twin Cities Anny Ammunition Plant (TCAAP). <br /> <br />As you are aware, the Department ofAnny sent GSA a preliminary Report of Excess <br />which identitled 774 acres as excess to the needs of the Department of Defense. Our <br />client, Anny, expects GSA to dispose of its excess property in as responsible and timely a <br />manner possible. <br /> <br />. GSA is committed to working with the city and other stakeholders to finalize a practical <br />and efficient framework to guide the re-use of the entire excess portion of TCAAP. <br />GSA recognizes the important conununity planning efforts that produced the "Vento <br />PIl!P." This plan contemplates a comprehensive reuse essential for developing a sound <br />disposition strategy. To that end, propeny will be made available under two separate <br />authorities; public benefit conveyance for public park and recreation purposes and <br />negotiated sale for economic development purposes. <br /> <br />On November 29, 2002, the Department of Housing and Urban Development published <br />its determination in the Federal Register that the property is "unsuitable" to accommodate <br />the needs of the homeless in accordance with the McKinney - Vento Homeless <br />Assistance Act. Additionally, on December 6,2002, GSA completed the Federal <br />Screening. As a result of this screening the United States Postal Service notified us of its <br />potential interest in approximately 82 acres. <br /> <br />A 20-day Surplus Screening (or Public Body Screening) will begin in the last week of <br />January. During that 20-day period, eligible public entities will have an oppommity to <br />express interest in acquiring property for park and recreation llIld economic development <br />purposes. The specific time frames associated with evaluating expressions of interest is <br />dependent on many variables. In the case of a negotiafed sale, OSA must complete its <br />appraisal and reach agreement on sale terms. For a park and recreation interest the <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />U.S. General Servtcn Administration <br />Thomu P. O'Neill. J(. F9c:ltltal Buj1ditl!) <br />1Q CalJsewc)y Stra~t <br />Boston, MA 02222 <br />WW' <br />