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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Memo to Planning Commission <br />Planning Case #02-25: Preliminary Plat and Master Plan PUD <br />Page 8 of 12 <br /> <br />exceeded the requirements for landscape area by having 53.3% of the property as <br />landscape area. Much of that landscape area goes to serve as a buffer between the <br />Guidant Campus and the surrounding residential properties, producing the additional <br />benefit of a development with decreased visual impact on the residential neighbors. <br /> <br />Anotber amenity provided by the extensive landscape area is the provision of trails that <br />would be open for the public to utilize. II) conjunction with the park dedication <br />requirement in the plat, staff is currently reviewing the possibility creating better ties <br />between the Guidaut trails to the City's current trail system. <br /> <br /> <br />5, Setbacks <br /> <br />All new construction would remain within the eXlshng area and would not require <br />reduction of setbacks. The Building Official has stated that the applicant should contin)le <br />to maintain a 60 foot clear around buildings J, D, E, and 1. St.aff has included this as a <br />condition for approval of the Master Plan. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Phasing <br /> <br />Phasing of the proposed campus improvements with the neceSSarY traffic improvements <br />will be a critical issue. After reviewing the Master Plan proposed schedule of <br />improvements, staff met with Guidant representatives aud has created a revised schedule <br />which should better manage the impact of increased traffic created by the growilJg <br />Guidant Campus. A revised phasing plan is att"ched for YOI)r review. <br /> <br />7. Parking <br /> <br />The Zoning COde requires that all office buildings provide a parking ratio of 1 stall per <br />250 square feet, and all manufacturing activities provide a ratio of 1 stall per 1,000 square <br />feet. The table below shows a comparison of parking required by the Zoning Code and <br />the parking provided in the proposed Master Plan. In order for the applicant to meet the <br />parking requirement there would need to be either a reduction ilJ laudscape area or <br />increase in the height of the parking ramps. Neither option would be very desirable to the <br />neighboring property owners and it is staff s determination that an alternative sol)ltiolJ <br />would be in the best interest of the City. <br /> <br />Although the master plan shows a deficit of 653 parking spaces from the Zoning Cod.e <br />requirement, the benefit to the City is 653 less vehicles that will be driving on area <br />streets, which in turn may help ease any traffic issues in the area. The applicant has also <br />been consulting Metro Commuter Services in efforts to reduce single occupant vehicles <br />