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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />t ,. ~') <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 12, 2002 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Rem requested the infarmatian presented tanight be placed an <br />the City's website. <br /> <br />Jim Paulet, 1285 Wvncrest Court, stated he represented the neighbarhaad group <br />that warked with G~idant. He indicated the ne~ghbarhaad grollP consis.ted af <br />residents af the Wyncrest Neighbarhaad, which is lacij.ted directly narth af the <br />Guidant Property. Be stated the graup had Came tagether ij.fter attending the apen <br />meeting held an March 7, 2002, when unveiled their campus plan. At <br />that time, they had many cancerns that included traffic, building heights, lacatian <br />afFernwaad, ij.nd the natificatiap requirements that were ill place. I-Ie stated they <br />had requested and Guidant agreed to. meet with the neighbarhaad. He stated aver <br />the summer they held five meetings, which they felt were very productive. He <br />nated Guid.ant was willing to. listen and respand. He indicated the resulting <br />campromises Were significant and was samething both Guidant and neighbars <br />cauld live with. Herequested a capy af the AUAR study. <br /> <br />Pat Krenn,. 1230 Wvncrest. Court, stated based an the past experience, he <br />requested that starm water running fram the Guidant property not be draiped into. <br />Karth Lake. <br /> <br />Ed Robinson, 1370 CoIleell Avenue, stated his cancern was haw this propasal <br />wij.s gaing to. impact traffic in the City. He nated Guidant Was. an ex.cellent <br />neighbar and he did nat want to. appase the expansian,biJ.t he did have a cancern <br />regarding the raads nat being able to. handle the increase in traffic. He nated there <br />were no. propasals far bus staps, park and ride areas, ar bus shelters. He stij.ted <br />Guidant was nat encaUfij.ging their emplayees to. car paal ar take public transit, <br />which he believed, wauld impij.cted the City with severe cangestian aver time. He <br />stated the Zaning Cades did nat relate to. the kind af cangestian prablems they <br />were facing at this time. He asked if Guidant cauld avaid spen(ling same'of the <br />maney they were propasing to. spend an parking ramps and instead, wark wHh the <br />Metrapalitan Cauncil to. encaurage their emplayees to. use public transit. He asked <br />if the City wauld be better aff by accammadating Guidant, with respect to. the <br />traffic. <br /> <br />Gene Scales, 4136 James Circle, asked if the AUAR Camments cauld be <br />extended a cauple af days. <br />